The flag that humans will plug into the planet of extraterrestrials

Countries around the world have agreed to choose a flag that will represent humanity.

Countries around the world have agreed to choose a flag that will represent humanity.

The flag of the whole world

Are you interested when someday, all the governments in the world, all scientists and technology are ambitious to discover everything in the solar system and set foot on other planets ? Do you think that when you set foot on the cold planets, astronauts use a common flag for the whole Earth, not their country? Perhaps that day will not be far away, graphic designers Oskar Pernefeldt took the time to design the flag that symbolizes our beautiful Earth.

Picture 1 of The flag that humans will plug into the planet of extraterrestrials

The project is called " The International Flag of Planet Earth" , Pernefeldt imagined a universal flag of the world, and it will be used for a variety of purposes, including use on space ships and plugs. on an alien planet , and hung in sporting events around the world. The flag that the design team has is blue and many white circles intertwined.

Picture 2 of The flag that humans will plug into the planet of extraterrestrials

Picture 3 of The flag that humans will plug into the planet of extraterrestrials

Seven intersecting circles, perhaps symbolizing continents, and intertwined to form a flower that symbolizes life on Earth . " The rings are linked together, symbolizing everything on the planet that is directly or indirectly linked."

The flag seems to have improved from the Olympic flag, and represents a new era for the whole world. This is not the first flag for the Earth , but what the Pernefeldt team did described a future of people in the world united together in the same flag, and maybe one day, you meet. aliens and proudly say: " I am an Earthman".

Update 18 December 2018



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