The girl was hand grafted from black young man, 2 years after the miracle happened

Indian doctors recently reported the case of a young girl nearly three years ago who had undergone hand transplants from a young male donor, oddly enough that the hand changed color to match it. girl's skin color.

Indian doctors recently reported the case of a young girl nearly three years ago who had undergone hand transplants from a young male donor, oddly enough that the hand changed color to match it. girl's skin color.

21-year-old Shreya Siddanagowder (in India) lost both hands in a traffic accident in 2016, while traveling from her hometown in Pune to a university in Karnataka. Doctors had no choice but to cut off both her hands and forearms and Shreya needed about a year to recover.

Shreya went to the Amrita Institute to sign up for a hand transplant and the doctors there found a donor for her on August 9, 2017. There are nearly 200 other people on the waiting list, some from overseas like Afghanistan or Bangladesh, but she was lucky enough to be compatible with the donor. On the same day, the doctors performed an arm transplant for Shreya Siddanagowder.

Picture 1 of The girl was hand grafted from black young man, 2 years after the miracle happened

Shreya's new hand has changed color after nearly 3 years of transplant.

Shreya has a joint of his hand and forearm just above his elbow. Shreya's surgery, which lasted 13 hours and was joined by 20 surgeons and an anesthetic team of 16 people. First they attach bones, then connect arteries, veins and muscle tendons, and finally stitch the donor's skin into Shreya's hands. The surgery was successful, but that was just the beginning of the young girl's journey to a normal life. She spent half a year in Kochi conducting intensive physical therapy and getting her body accustomed to her new arm.

Shreya's hand was from a male college student, known as Sachin, who was diagnosed with brain death after a motorcycle accident.Hand transplants are rare in India, because many families do not want to donate limbs, for fear of deforming their loved ones' bodies. However, Sachin's parents agreed to help others have the opportunity to enjoy a better life by donating both their hands and other parts of their son.

Picture 2 of The girl was hand grafted from black young man, 2 years after the miracle happened

Images of Shreya implants at the Amrita Institute.

The Indian Express reported that, 3 years have passed, there have been changes on the new hands that Shreya, relatives and even doctors are surprised. One of the first notable changes, Shreya's new hand is male so the amount of fat is quite a lot, but over time the amount of fat has gradually decreased to fit Shreya's arm. According to Shreya's mother, the fingers are longer and thinner, the wrists are smaller, it's almost like a woman's.

However, the most surprising thing is the color change of the hand , the skin color of the implanted hand is similar to the skin color on Shreya's body. She said: " I don't know how such a strange phenomenon happened. But I feel like these hands are my own. The skin color looks very dark after the transplant, although it is not my concern, but now it's similar to the skin color on my body. "

Dr. Subramania Iyer, head of the plastic and reconstructive surgery department at the Amrita Institute, told Indian Express: 'Hand transplants are rare, and the color change is even rarer. This is our first case of a male-to-female hand transplant. We can only guess that female hormones have led to this change, but this needs to be further investigated. '

Picture 3 of The girl was hand grafted from black young man, 2 years after the miracle happened

Shreya Siddanagowder is now very confident with her new arm

But what's really important is that the Shreya Siddanagowder is becoming more comfortable with implanted hands every day. Although one of her three nerves and finger muscles is still not working properly, she has made great progress. In addition to having two hands, making her feel socially normal, Shreya was able to once again do everyday things like she did before the accident as if she could write her test at High School. Fergusson, in Pune by hand.

Update 24 March 2020



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