The glorious death of a star

Although it can be brilliance for billions of years, our sun-like stars do not exist forever, and by the time of their death, their deaths have never been quiet, but more brilliant than ever. .

Although it can be brilliance for billions of years, our sun-like stars do not exist forever, and by the time of their death, their deaths have never been quiet, but more brilliant than ever. .

Based on the optical data of the Hubble space telescope and the X-ray observations of the Chandra observatory of the US Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), Earth astronomers observed the structure. brilliance of planetary nebula NGC 2392 , also known as Eskimo nebula .

Picture 1 of The glorious death of a star

Beautiful view of the Eskimo nebula - (Photo: NASA)

Named for being similar in appearance to planetary disks under observation from early telescopes, the planetary nebula was created when stars folded up to eight times the mass of the sun burning up fuel during the period. the end of life.

The strong gravity fluctuations inside a collapsing star have pushed its outer layers into space, and when the outer material shells are ionized under the influence of the radiation Why, they start to shine.

The conical structures surrounding NGC 2392 are generated by the wind and radiation moving rapidly when the star interacts with cooler layers of gas and dust that has been thrown out.

Although not as impressive as the supernova remnants, planetary nebulae like NGC 2392 allow scientists to observe the future outcome of the sun itself.

NGC 2392 is located more than 2,870 light years from Earth, in the constellation Gemini, according to

Update 17 December 2018



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