The grandmother of Brazil,

A 114-year-old grandmother in Brazil today is officially recognized by the Guinness Organization as the longest living person on the planet.

Picture 1 of The grandmother of Brazil,
Mrs. Maria Gomes Valentim.

The long-standing secret of Maria Gomes Valentim is to take care of herself and maintain a healthy diet that includes a loaf of bread, a cup of coffee, fruit and no breakfast.

Guinness identified Mrs. Valentim born on July 9, 1896 in Carangola, Minas Gerais state, where he has been living ever since.

As of May 18, Valentim was 114 years old, 313 days, 48 ​​days longer than the previous oldest recognized person, Mrs. Besse Cooper in Monroe, Georgia, USA. Mrs. Cooper currently holds the title of the longest living in North America. Valentim's father also lived for 100 years.

'She said she lived long because she always took care of her own life' , 63-year-old niece Jane Ribeiro Moraes told a local newspaper.

Craig Glenday, Editor-in-Chief of Guinness World Records , said Valentim symbolized an unprecedented achievement in Brazil.

' Recognizing a woman born during the reign of Queen Victoria - before the Ford automobile company was founded - was a very special thing, but that title belonged to a Brazilian who became more and more dense more special '.

No Brazilian has ever been recognized as the longest-lived one.Guinness said that the organization has received several claims as potential "super-life" people but no one has been recognized in Brazil before due to lack of evidence or supporting documents.

Mrs. Valentim married her husband Joao in 1913 but he died in 1946. They had 2 sons, 4 grandchildren, 7 great-grandchildren and 5 little. Valentim's family said that although he had to be in a wheelchair and live on a meager salary of $ 335 a month, they hoped the new title would help him get more financial aid.