The heartbreaking truth behind the shark's soup

Shark micro is one of the most expensive products in the world, consumed mainly in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and China.

Picture 1 of The heartbreaking truth behind the shark's soup
Luxurious shark micro soup.

Since ancient times, Chinese people have regarded shark shark soup as a symbol of wealth and hospitality so often used on special occasions such as weddings or banquets. The price of a bowl of soup in the market is about 2 million.

However, few know that behind the nutritious, luxurious dish is the massacre of humans with sharks. Millions of sharks of all sizes are killed just for fins.

According to Jakarta Post, Indonesia produces at least 486 tons of dry shark fins each year. Despite protests and bans from the government, sharks are caught daily and cannot be controlled. Indonesia currently leads the world among the 20 most shark-catching countries in the world, leading to a 40% to 99% decline in common sharks. According to the Nature Conservancy, 71% of them are classified as highly vulnerable and endangered.

It is estimated that 73 million sharks are killed each year just to make famous micro-fish soup food.