The horrifying truth behind the wall of the natural building grew feathers

The photo was posted on Twitter by Alaska National Park itself, and it attracted tens of thousands of people interested in curiosity. What are those feathers? Why do they grow?

What are these feathers that everyone must fear?

Southeastern Alaska (United States) has a national park. In the park there is a building called National Park Service . And recently, some of the walls outside the building suddenly . grew hair ?!

Picture 1 of The horrifying truth behind the wall of the natural building grew feathers

This is the hair.

The photo was posted on Twitter by Alaska National Park itself, and it attracted tens of thousands of people interested in curiosity. What are those feathers? Why do they grow?

The question is also true, because this black hair looks weird. Normally, your wall suddenly grows furry, because of two reasons: one is a wall that is too moist, leading to mold growth, two walls are severely degraded and rooted by roots.

But to get a whole bunch of hair that is both big and long and thick and black and rough as a horror movie like this is a rare thing. And if you look more closely, you will find that comparing those feathers with horror movies is still boring. Because, those feathers . know how to move .

According to the official announcement of the park, the feathers are actually spider legs - hundreds of them gather together, so crowded that they have to scare off people like that.

Picture 2 of The horrifying truth behind the wall of the natural building grew feathers

In fact, this is the spider leg.

More precisely, these are long-legged black spiders , with the English name daddy long-legs. In fact, they are not spiders, but belong to a group of spider-like arthropods comprising over 6000 species. Because there are 8 long and small legs, people think they are spiders, and in fact, this animal has more family with scorpions.

But whether or not spiders don't matter. The problem is that they resemble spiders, and there are hundreds! That's enough to scare people.

And sad news for you! This animal gathering behavior turned out to be extremely popular. They do this to keep it warm, which increases body temperature in the winter.

Also, since it is not a spider, long-legged black spider does not have the ability to release webs. In other words, they cannot build a nest, nor can they create hunting traps, nor can they defend themselves. Therefore, they will gather in groups to increase their ability to survive before the enemy.

Some studies also show that this animal has a lot of interesting points. For example, because they do not have weapons, they do not have predominant prey, but will eat any creature that is within their abilities - from snails, bug larvae, to scavengers. In addition, the black spider's abdomen has a foul gland, which is used to ward off enemies that are too out of reach.

Update 18 December 2018



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