The house spider is a giant mouse

The house spiders with long strides with small mice appear massively in families in England this summer.

British families were shocked when they were visited by the giant spider

According to Claire Rind, Associate Professor of the Invertebrate Animal Neurology Department at the University of Newcastle, the "invasion " of giant home spiders takes place every year. This spiders appear most in the south, but recently they spread to the north.

Picture 1 of The house spider is a giant mouse
The house spider is particularly large this year due to the hot and humid summers in the UK.(Photo: Cácrtainn MacDhomhnaill / Flickr.)

"They are especially great at this time. I think due to the warm and humid summer weather, there are many insects for spider hunting, so they appear quite early ," Rind replied to IB Times on August 20.

Giant house spider, Latin name is Eratigena atrica , found in Europe, North Africa, North Asia and North America. This is one of the largest spiders in Northern Europe . The female has a stride of about 4.5 cm. Males crawl into the house after the last hair loss in the year and find females to mate.

" This is a normal phenomenon, but there is a spider concentrated in the south. They are very large with long strides with the mouse while the body is smaller than the rat's body. They appear massively and are easy to meet. in the house, "said Rind.

Males often quietly move and hunt for females. Like most spiders, females release pheromone , a substance that acts as a chemical signal , along the webs of the web to mark the male.

After pairing, females come out to lay eggs, unless it finds a quiet dark corner in the house like old stone walls or ledges.