The 'hybrid' horse

Marion Lavel Jeantet French woman Marion Lavel Jeantet has successfully performed one of the most shocking experiments on the planet, injecting horse plasma into people for weeks in a row.

Marion Lavel Jeantet French woman Marion Lavel Jeantet has successfully performed one of the most shocking experiments on the planet, injecting horse plasma into people for weeks in a row. This experiment was done by Lavel to prepare for the performance at the art of Art Oriente objet, Luxembourg.

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In an experiment called May the horse live in me , Marion Laval Jeantet, was injected with horse blood and made her a ' monster '.

Picture 1 of The 'hybrid' horse

Marion Laval Jeantet, injecting horse blood into her body made her a ' monster '.
(Photo: Miha Fras).

Ms. Marion prepared for three consecutive months for receiving horse blood into her body, by injecting small doses of immune glubin, glyco proteins that flow into human blood. Act as antibodies to the immune response.

This French artist calls this process the process of " getting used to poison ". This process involved the legend that the emperor Mithridates IV of Parthia in West Asia had developed immunity to toxins by gradually injecting toxic doses into humans.

After preparing the body for enough animal plasma compounds, Marion Laval Jeantet was injected with horse plasma containing all types of foreign immune glubin last February and surprisingly, she did not Sensitive shock.

Picture 2 of The 'hybrid' horse

Marion even went to the feet of stilts like a horse's leg. (Photo: Miha Fras).

The horse antibodies avoided her body's protective mechanisms, and merged into the blood where they combined with her protein. This synthesis has affected every organ in Jeantet's body and even the nervous system for weeks after plasma injection.

The artist remembers: ' I had the feeling I was a monster . My ego is no longer in my normal body. At that time I had super energy, super sensitive, super restless and very unusual. Feelings of a herbivore. I have lost sleep. Maybe I feel a bit like a horse '.

After the blood transfusion, Marion walked into the stilts' feet to resemble a horse's leg and performed a ritual to communicate with a real horse, before her blood sample was sucked out and dried.

OddityCentral website says, The bridge for horses to live in me is really an extreme experiment that its long-term effects cannot be calculated. This experiment represents a continuation of the ancient horse mythology, that hybrid-horse (animal in human body) symbolizes harmony between the rider, the ruler and the animal.

This human-animal experiment project is currently on display at an art exhibition called Second Life: Jeux masqués et autres Je in Casio de Luxembourg, in Luxembourg.

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Update 14 December 2018



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