The kings mysteriously died in history

The following kings have all gone, some have died for a long time, however their cause of death caused later scholars to

The following kings have all gone, some have died for a long time, but their cause has caused scholars to 'scratch their heads' because it is too difficult to understand.

1. dying due to the heat caused by illness

Qin Shihuang is the king of Qin, the first unified emperor of China. During his reign, he built famous architectural works, including the Great Wall. But few know that this king has quite weak health.

The "History - Qin Shihuang" edition has the record: "Qin Wang snapped, his eyes were long, the back of the buzzard, like a wolf" . Thus, it can be surmised that since childhood, he has suffered from soft bones, shortness of breath, so he can grow up a new chest like a buzzard and the sound is like a wolf.

Picture 1 of The kings mysteriously died in history

Qin Shi Huang is inherently weak.

As a child, Qin Shihuang suffered from such an illness so his condition was not good. Later when he was enthroned, he was very obstinate and wanted to handle all the work on his own. At that time, every day the amount of letters written on the waiting card was approved, sometimes up to 60 kg. If not approved, the emperor has not yet rested. Just like that, the health of Qin Shihuang was not so good, it became even weaker, and he suffered from meningitis and epilepsy.

Perhaps because of the above reason, Qin Shihuang has a passion that is almost obsessed with immortal immortality drugs. He sent people to go to the four corners to find the elixir that could help people live forever without dying. Sometimes, he also traveled on his own to search for an immortal immortal drug as desired.

In 209 BC, Qin Shihuang marched to the east; accompanied by a son and some courtiers. On the way back, the caravan traveled through a desert. It is speculated that, due to the extreme climate here, continuous hot weather and high temperatures, Qin Shihuang, who has always been unbearably weak. Meningitis and epilepsy caused him to become exhausted and quickly left.

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The harsh climate in the desert has made Qin Shihuang's health worse.

2. Gia Khanh King died of lightning

Gia Khánh is the 15th son of Qianlong King. He came to the throne at the age of 36 and stayed in the throne until the glacier was 60 years old. He was known to be a gentle and meritorious king of visits to such sights as Hoa Than or Phuc Truong An or eradicating drug trafficking that was very popular in China at that time.

But he was an emperor who didn't have much luck. He used to like to assault guests because . he likes to be so poor, he does not know what to do to make a living, so he thought of a way to assassinate the emperor. His palace was also attacked by rebellious forces, threatening the harem and controlling the emperor.

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Gia Khánh is an emperor who doesn't have much luck.(Illustration)

At age 60, he died. The official documents are only general records that the Emperor suddenly died at Thua Duc on September 2, 1820. But people whispered to each other the true cause of the king's death. This is due to lightning!

Some said that while hunting, Gia Khanh was seriously ill and had to lie in bed for treatment while still dealing with the main affairs. One day, the sky above the palace where he was resting suddenly darkened, dark clouds, thunder and lightning, signaling a storm of preparations. Then, while heavy rain and wind appeared lightning, and unfortunately, a bolt of lightning struck the palace where the king was lying; The emperor was also struck by lightning and quickly died.

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One theory was that lightning struck the palace where the king was resting.

According to some other sources, in a hunt, Gia Khanh joined the chiefs after many days of traveling but did not get any booty apart from a few rabbits. The emperor was extremely disappointed, plus with fatigue after several days of constantly sitting on horseback, ordered the end of the hunt and the palace.

On the way back, suddenly the weather turned bad, stormy rain came; suddenly a great lightning bolt after the thunder struck the king caused him to fall off his horse and leave while all the entourage were not alright.

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Gia Khanh ordered the end of the hunt after many days without gaining outstanding spoils.

The kings of the Qing Dynasty died from the dust

To the Qing Dynasty, Beijing was chosen as the capital, the center of the whole country. In terms of weather conditions, there is a rather harsh winter with a very low temperature and frequent fog. In addition, the number of buildings growing abundantly, increasing population density and winter burning coal for heating has caused the accumulation of dust particles to thicken over time.

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Beijing - the capital of China under the Qing Dynasty.

The "History" has a description of the days in Beijing that were beset by fog, dust, no sunlight for days in a row. By the time of the Qing Dynasty, in the year of Khang Hy 60, it was recorded that, on the day of the announcement of the results of the examination of the elections, the fog was everywhere, the wind was blowing, dust and dense sand. Sang to the 16th year of Ham Feng, the situation is still not progressing when the snow is little but the fog is much, the strong wind blows with the dust.

Beijing has 3 sides of the mountain so the fog and dust are easy to condense, but it is difficult to disperse; This has led to the health of the people here, no matter how carefully and carefully cared for, they are more or less affected such as heart disease and blood vessels.

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Every winter, Beijing is in the fog of dust.

In the book "Unusual Information for One Hour in History Ever Said: Medical Information Beyond History" by Dr. Sujian, he revealed that there were 10 Qing emperors in which There is Kangxi and has died but the cause is influenced by air pollution.

Statistics show that the lives of the Qing Dynasty passed away at the end of the winter - early spring. King Thuan Tri died on the 7th, Can Long then on the 3rd, Dao Quang on the 14th and all in January. The emperors Khang Hy, Dong Tri, Quang Tu, and Tuyen Thong all left in the late winter days.

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The cause of Qianlong's death is speculated due to air pollution in Beijing.(Artwork).

Obviously, it was because of the air filled with dust and such harshness that made the kings, though well cared for, could not cope with the weather; rapid pathogenesis and death.

Update 18 December 2018



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