The magical beauty of the 'eyes of God'

Helix, the name of a nebula about 650 light-years from Earth, is dubbed

Helix, the name of a nebula about 650 light-years from Earth, is dubbed the "Lord's eye" because of its unique shape.

Picture 1 of The magical beauty of the 'eyes of God'

The white dwarf star in the Helix nebula has the same size left
land, but its mass folds our planet thousands of times.

Scientists from the US Aerospace Agency (NASA) combine data from the Spitzer space telescope (infrared imaging capability) and the Galaxy Evolution Explorer telescope (capable of receiving ultraviolet rays). purple) to create stunning images of Helix planetary nebulae.

In fact Helix is ​​a dying star belonging to the constellation Aquarius because its hydrogen and helium fuel are depleted. Discovered around 1824, it is one of the closest to nebulae. Clouds of gas dust escape from the surface of the star. The radiation from the star is very strong, so the dust and gas glow. Helix's core will be condensed into a white-dwarf white star. The main belt diameter of the nebula is about two light years long.

Update 17 December 2018



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