Pair with pins

Doctors used six metal rods to support Katrina's spine for the spine.
A young girl, after being told that she will lose her ability to walk permanently, recovered spectacularly after surgery on her thigh and back with titanium discs. Katrina Burgess had her back torn, punctured her lungs, broken her ribs and femur in an accident. In a chance-wagging operation, the doctors opened Katrina's back and placed 6 metal rods to support the spine, then they inserted a large screw right above. Spine to protect the neck.
Brain surgery with electric drill

Nicholas Rossi who had brain surgery with civil drilling.
A doctor used an electric drill to perform live surgery to save the life of a 12-year-old boy. Nicholas Rossi's brain began to appear blood clots after he fell off his bicycle. The doctor at a hospital in Australia at that time did not have the specialized drilling machines needed for surgery, in an emergency situation, Dr. Rob Carson reluctantly used this household device to drill into Nicholas's skull. to release blood from the skull. The victim was then taken by ambulance to a larger hospital and is now fully recovered.
Recreate a new face

Conni Culp after having a new face.
Conni Culp, 46, survived after being shot in the head by her husband. After the accident, she completely lost the ability to smell, eat, and could not even breathe naturally. Her only chance at the time was to agree on a pioneering surgery at the time - face recovery surgery. Through a series of large and small surgeries over five years, her face transplant underwent a total of 22 hours of surgery with 80% of her face replaced by the face of a donor.
A transplant on the other hand

Isabelle Dinoire's face before and after surgery.
The first facial graft surgery took place in France in 2005. In this case, the lower part of Isabelle Dinoire's face - a dog bitten victim lost all of her nose, lips and chin - almost completely recreated. complete thanks to donated skin, muscle and blood vessels. It was this 5-hour surgery that paved the way for the later-used face transplant technique for Connie Culp.
Hand transplant

Jeff Kepner's new hand.
An American named Jeff Kepner, 57, became the first person to have both hands implanted after he lost all his limbs due to a bacterial infection. During this 15-hour operation, the surgeons paired him with donated hands and bone marrow.
Surgery removes half of the brain

The image depicts a 6-year-old patient's right brain removal surgery.
Last year, a 6-year-old girl in Texas underwent an unbelievable operation - cutting off the right brain completely. This surgery aims to help your baby not to suffer from severe seizures. Despite losing a significant part of the brain, doctors say their memory and personality will not be affected.
People have 3 ears

The ear on Stelarc's hand.
Most people only have surgery in case of necessity, but with Stelarc, the modern medical artist is like a palm tree for him to perform his art shows. In 2007 he asked a surgeon to implant his left arm with an ear ring from his real cells and cartilage.
Surgery from inside the womb

Surgery for the fetus right in the mother's womb.
Modern medicine has achieved amazing strides. Today, if you have a birth defect, a baby will not need to wait until he or she is born to receive surgical treatment. A baby in Australia had an operation in her mother's uterus to prevent the amniotic membrane from inserting the vessels that carried blood down to the baby's legs when the new baby was more than 17 cm long.

The ultrasound image of the child is "reborn".
McCartney's family in Texas was anxious and waited for the worst news for their child when told by the doctor that the baby had a deadly tumor. However, with extraordinary efforts to save her life, the doctors removed the baby from the mother's uterus to perform a lumpectomy; The fetus is then placed back in the uterus to develop as usual.
Still alive when there are no essential agencies

Heather mcNamara after surgery to remove the tumor.
In early 2009, 7-year-old girl Heather mcNamara overcame a major surgery that lasted up to 23 hours and was cut 6 essential internal organs in an effort to resolve a life-threatening tumor. you Doctors cut the spleen, liver, pancreas, stomach, small intestine and colon out of the patient's body and stored it cold to allow them to be re-inserted after the tumor was removed. Then, because the stomach is so badly damaged that it cannot be re-implanted, doctors have created an artificial stomach from tissues from her intestine.