The most common word in the world - the word

A recent report by the Max Planck Institute in the Netherlands shows that the word "huh" (Vietnamese is "huh") is most commonly used in the world.

Picture 1 of The most common word in the world - the word
Every ethnic group uses the same word as "huh" when it is unclear what the questioner wants - (Photo: polandeze)

According to PLoS One, Mark Dingemanse, Francisco Torreira and Nick Enfield linguists have collected the lexicon of 31 languages ​​and compared the use of words equivalent to the word "huh".

The results show that the special word in the air is like any other question in the world's linguistic repository, for example it is always pronounced with a syllable, which is emitted by a sound deep in the throat .

In contrast, the word "what" has many different phonetics and structures in each language, "rod" in Spanish, English "what" to Dutch "wat".

Based on that evidence, experts concluded that "huh" is a universal word used worldwide.

Although it was not pronounced exactly the same, but the word "huh" is very easy to guess, used to keep the conversation going when someone asked and the person who answered didn't know what the person asked.