The mysterious creature 'half-human, half-animal' scared the villagers

According to the Daily Star, this bizarre creature attacks two dogs in the village of Santa Fe, Argentina.

The mysterious creature is not sure what kind of child appears on the street at night making the Argentine villagers terrified.

Picture 1 of The mysterious creature 'half-human, half-animal' scared the villagers

Mysterious creatures appeared in the village of Santa Fe.

According to the Daily Star, this bizarre creature attacks two dogs in the village of Santa Fe, Argentina.

The villagers said two German shepherds and Pitbull died shortly after, and the bizarre creature disappeared.

A resident is said to have captured the image of this mysterious creature. Photos are then shared via YouTube videos. Videos quickly attracted tens of thousands of views.

Many video viewers feel terrified, speculating about what they see. A viewer commented: 'It is scary'.

Others said: 'It is a half-human, half-dog creature. Look at his teeth. '

The third said: 'This is a werewolf, they can stand on their hind legs, up to 2 meters high'.

Update 18 December 2018



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