The mystery of the palace in the Forbidden City

The two words of

The two words 'leader' still contain many mysteries. In fact, where is it located in the Forbidden City and the beautiful beauties who have been imprisoned in that lonely, lonely place?

In ancient Chinese society, the way of saying: The emperor who owns the "Three-Fold House of the Seven Decades" was very popular .

In the Ming and Qing times, the Can Thanh palace, Giao Thai palace and Khon Ninh palace were called 'tam cung'. This 'palace' is located at the center of the Palace. Particularly, the 'continent' includes supply in the east: Trai Cung, Canh Nhan Cung, Thua Can Cung, Chung Tuy Cung, Canh Duong Cung and Vinh Hoa Cung. 'Decadent' or 'Triumvirate' refers to the unspeakable number of emperors of the emperor.

The "Signing Ceremony" states that the Zhou Dynasty maintained the regime: 'Heavenly gods behind the palace, the three wives, the frequency, the second half of the world, the best of the ten bowls' . This shows that the number of concubines of the emperor is very large and is divided into many different levels: from the wife, to the gods, the world, to the .

Picture 1 of The mystery of the palace in the Forbidden City

The supply so far is still a mystery.(Illustration).

Fully embracing the world in their hands, the ancient emperors can freely choose female beauties, from the beautiful people of high nobility, to the village of the women and the noble people of the world as wives.

Having committed themselves to the harem, every woman desires to be favored by the king. But, occupying the heart of the king does not mean that he will live in the ivory ivory pearl for life. Just do the steps of heaven and earth vexed, or for various reasons that violate the taboo, whether it is the queen or the frequency of the risk of being disgraced and imprisoned in the ban of waiting for death. That place is called the 'palace'.

So, where is the 'territory' in the Forbidden City actually located?

In this regard, there are scholars who believe that the palace is actually a place that is not fixed, used as a place to hold the emperors and princes. There is a view that, Cung Thanh and Truong Xuan supply is this mysterious place.

The Ming and Qing dynasties show that, in fact, no monumental image in the Forbidden City is subject to the words 'leaders' , which also means that this name is not used for a particular palace. Only a few places are used as real supply during the two Ming and Qing dynasties.

At the end of the Ming dynasty, the Apostolic City - a 'pink shadow' of the Emperor Khai Khai, for his sins with eunuch " Wei " Wei Zhongshen should be expelled from Changchun Palace to Qianxi Palace at the west of Huanyu . She had to endure a lonely, shameful life for four years here. In addition to Li Li, there are three more people like Ding Fei and Other Qin . also imprisoned here. Therefore, Qianxi was the "supply" at that time.

According to the eunuch's remarks, in the years of Quang Tu Thanh's reign, before being pushed into a deep well by Tu Hy Thai, Tran Phi was imprisoned in the North Tam So in the North of Canh Ky Cac. This place is now collapsed and it is the area located in Shanmen, west of today's Tran Phi well. If the above mentioned words of the eunuchs are real, then Bac Tam So is also considered to be the 'leader' in the Qing Dynasty.

Update 18 December 2018



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