The oldest person in the world has heart surgery

A 98-year-old British man became the world's oldest man to undergo cardiac surgery under the TAVI method.

Mr. John Rowland , a grandfather , was born in 1918, was told by a doctor to have aortic valve stenosis . Because his body was not suitable for less invasive open heart surgery, doctors used the TAVI method , to implant a new aortic valve, through the thigh artery into his body.

John underwent surgery at London's Hammersmith Hospital and became the oldest person in the world to be aware of this method.

The surgical team leader, Dr. Iqbal Malik, said that John's case was a miraculous treatment. Because TAVI method is not usually done for older patients.

Picture 1 of The oldest person in the world has heart surgery
John Rowland recovered quite well after the successful surgery.(Photo: Daily Mail).

This is a bold but right decision of Mr. John. Without this method, he could only live 6 months.

Beth, John's grandson, shared his frightened feelings before he went into the operating room: "I am very worried that something bad might happen to him, because I cannot bear to bear it. think of his life without grandfather ". Beth was hesitant and discouraged Mr. John from performing the surgery, but he defied the danger, he was determined and believed everything would be fine. Currently, she is very happy to see him healthy and is recovering positively.

Dr. Iqbal Malik said the TAVI method is becoming more popular as the population gets older. Previously, the oldest person could perform heart surgery about 65 years old. Now that age is still considered young patients."More and more elderly patients, they live longer and healthier. It is a medical success," he said.

TAVI (Transcatheter aortic-valve implantation) is a surgical method for patients with severe aortic valve stenosis. There are two methods of TAVI: dilating aortic valve with a balloon. The second way is to shape a valve with a cow's pericardium, which can be made larger by the ball, bringing the tube through the femoral artery.