The phenomenon of 'plastic hybrid stone' - The consequence of pollution

Recent US Geological Society researchers have published a discovery about a new type of rock -

Recently, the American Geological Society researchers have published a discovery of a new type of stone - "plastic hybrid stone" with the scientific name plastiglomerate.

Research by the scientists pointed out, "Plastiglomerate" hybrid stone is a bell warning the ocean pollution and people's consciousness in protecting the common environment.

This plastiglomerate was first discovered by chance by Charles Moore oceanographer at Hawaii's big island Kamilo in 2006. However, he could not explain the mechanism and the cause of the formation. This kind of strange stone. Moore told this discovery to Patricia Corcoran - a geologist at the University of Western Ontario (Canada).

Picture 1 of The phenomenon of 'plastic hybrid stone' - The consequence of pollution

The image is recorded on plastiglomerate

Feeling extremely excited about Moore's sharing, Ms. Corcoran decided to set up a research team and proceed to Hawaii to field. Initially, the team hypothesized that the stone Moore acquired was a new type of volcanic lava active in Hawaii. But then, they found most of the strange rock samples near the seaside camp.

Picture 2 of The phenomenon of 'plastic hybrid stone' - The consequence of pollution

Plastiglomerate stones are derived from plastic waste

The subsequent fieldwork indicated that the plastiglomerate rocks on Kamilo beach were from plastic debris combined with stone through the heat of the campfire. When campers or fishermen set fire to the camp, melted plastic garbage. This substance then blends into things on the beach like volcanic rock, sand or sea shells.

When ocean waves pull this "clumped plastic" into water, they sink and become part of the planet's geological structure, and researchers estimate that plastiglomerate is likely to exist for a very long time. It is very difficult to be destroyed and can become an Earth's unmodified material.

Picture 3 of The phenomenon of 'plastic hybrid stone' - The consequence of pollution

Plastiglomerate stone is considered a warning bell for pollution at the coast

Some plastiglomerate rocks also carry many toxic substances that extremely badly affect plants, animals and people. Plastiglomerate rock is the bell of warning for pollution at the coast. Typically, at Kamilo beach, formerly a very clean place and an interesting destination in Hawaii.

But now it is one of the dirtiest areas in the world. Partly due to the consciousness of tourists, in part because the ocean currents brought garbage, plastic debris and pollutants from around the world.

When surveying the sea of ​​Kamilo, Corcoran and colleagues also found plastiglomerate rocks containing lots of plastic waste coming from very remote areas like Asia and Russia. This is a bad sign that ocean pollution is alarming.

Picture 4 of The phenomenon of 'plastic hybrid stone' - The consequence of pollution

Plastiglomerate rocks can cause undersea vegetation to perish

Even when surveying in many countries like India, Iceland, Corcoran's team also found plastiglomerate with a worrying abundance. It appears with high density on many beaches.

It is estimated that, if there is no measure of change, the plastiglomerate rock will overflow on the coasts and oceans in the near future. And of course, this rock will affect the whole Earth environment and destroy many of the seabed vegetation.

Picture 5 of The phenomenon of 'plastic hybrid stone' - The consequence of pollution

The number of plastiglomerate stones is increasing very fast

Corcoran told The Huffington Post: "In the future, when people see the plastiglomerate on the rocks, they will regret how badly polluting the planet is."

This finding is also a sign that the Earth has entered a new geological era, known as the Anthropocene era . This is the period in which humans are the main and long-term change agent for the planet's landscape and atmosphere.

Picture 6 of The phenomenon of 'plastic hybrid stone' - The consequence of pollution

This type of stone signals the deteriorating marine environment

Corcoran also shared that it is extremely difficult to capture all the countries on the planet without using plastics. But each of us can do small things like cleaning the beach, restricting the use of plastic products when traveling will help the plastiglomerate number only exist at a lowest level, ensuring safety for living environment.

Update 16 December 2018



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