The principle of 'three or four more' for people with high blood pressure

People with high blood pressure must always adhere to strict diet and exercise to maintain health. The principle of 'three little four or more' below will help you get a proper diet and activity to help improve the disease.

1. 'Little three'

- Less coffee : Studies have shown that 2 cups of coffee a day can increase the blood pressure in the body by 2-3 times because the alkaline in the composition of coffee can make blood vessels shrink, thereby increasing the severity of the disease. Replace coffee with mineral water or other nutritious fruit juices.

- Less stressful fatigue : When you are stressed, tired, the activity of nerves also becomes stagnant. The heart beats fast, causing blood pressure as well as blood flow to the brain. If the stress is excessive or very emotional, patients with hypertension are more likely to develop brain hemorrhage or stroke.

- Less dinner : Diabetic patients should reduce the amount of food at dinner, especially foods that are high in fat and starch to reduce the 'burden' of the digestive system and prevent the formation of Excess fat in the body. Eat green vegetables, fruits and other easily digested foods.

Picture 1 of The principle of 'three or four more' for people with high blood pressure

2. 'Four more'

- Eat a lot of garlic : Eating 2-3 servings of garlic every day is the most effective way to reduce blood pressure. Research conducted on 415 people showed that if eating garlic daily (reaching 600-900 grams of garlic) can reduce 15mm mercury blood pressure.

- Much movement : This is mandatory in the daily life of high blood pressure patients. Movement will help the cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems work easily, thereby reducing pressure on blood vessel walls. Types of exercise that do not require much strength such as walking, jogging, tai chi, swimming . are suitable for people with high blood pressure.

- A lot of bananas and yogurt : these two foods contain lots of potassium, have good effects on stabilizing blood pressure.

- Eating more oranges : Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C. Research by scientists has shown that the higher the vitamin C content in the body, the lower the pressure on the artery walls. 60mg of vitamin C daily will help prevent disease progression.