The process of producing famous cigars in Cuba
Not only is a regular cigarette, cigars become the cultural symbol of Cuba, with a completely manual production process.
Not only is a regular cigarette, cigars become the cultural symbol of Cuba, with a completely manual production process.
Cohiba made for customers usually costs $ 28 / small and $ 56 / big.
Raul Valdes Villasusan held a bottle of hand after many years in the profession
In 2015, the embargo between the United States and Cuba was lifted, once again bringing Cuban cigars to the world.The process of producing Cuban cigars can be compared with the wine culture of Napa Valley and become a big attraction for tourists in the future.Some farmers earn extra income from letting international visitors stay at the farm, leading them to visit the beautiful countryside and introducing the place to produce famous cigars.
One of the most famous farms is the Montesino family, about an hour's drive west of Havana.Tobacco is usually grown at the end of the year for about 3 months before harvest.Each tree has about 30 leaves and farmers have to cut each piece carefully.
Tree seeds are very small, each tree produces about 30 leaves
Buses transport farmers in the neighborhood to work farms.Pinar del Rio is Cuba's most famous tobacco barn
Then the fresh leaves are taken to the drying room.
The leaves are hung up to dry themselves.This process is also called "maintenance" and takes about 3 months.
Montesino is an organic farm, not using pesticides or chemicals.Farmers use their hands to catch insects that hang on leaves.
Montesino has been transmitted over 3 generations.Photo: Boss Marcelo Montesino (right), standing next to his son Eulogio (left) - who will take over the business later.
After the leaves are completely dry, they are put in to roll.
Cigar rolling technique requires meticulousness because it will directly affect the quality of the cigarette.A delicious cigar must have a soft and glossy exterior, with all leaves wrapped in the same direction.
Some Montesino farms also prepare food for visitors to the production area.
Farmers hope to export more cigars in foreign countries in the coming time, but still maintain a peaceful and peaceful life.
Package of finished cigars prepared for export around the world
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