The reason we always

Nobody can remember everything. However, forgetting too fast, too much is not good at all. And if you want to remember for a long time, you have to have a way.

Nobody can remember everything. However, forgetting too fast, too much is not good at all. And if you want to remember for a long time, you have to have a way.

"Learning before and after" is a situation that many of us - including students, students or employees - have experienced.

Although it is normal, this is indeed something no one wants. We want to remember all the knowledge needed to serve our work and study, and this is even more true in exams.

So how to remember but forget "less" than usual? Here are some methods developed by Hermann Ebbinghaus - a German psychologist. Try it, then you will be surprised.

Why do we keep forgetting everything?

Picture 1 of The reason we always

If the information is continuously loaded, the brain will be overloaded.

Many people still think that we have only exploited 10% of the brain, but the truth is not so. Any job you do requires many different parts of the brain to function. In other words, the brain must always operate at full capacity.

If the information is continuously loaded in that state, the brain will be overloaded. Therefore, the creator has left us a defense mechanism , that is . erase the information that is considered useless.

But what is useless? In fact, all new contact information will be saved in the short-term memory area. If not repeated, not used often, the information will be placed in useless rows, and deleted very quickly.

Time information from the time to be remembered until forgetting Ebbinghaus shown by the chart named: Road forgotten . Accordingly, after just 1 hour, we forget about more than half of the information collected. And after 1 week, we can only remember about 20%.

So how to remember everything?

Picture 2 of The reason we always

The answer is not possible , but we still have a way to limit the forgotten information , which is to make useless information useful by repeating that information (the work that students call the name of affection is . "chant" .

To remember quickly, Ebbinghaus proposed that you need to "recite" that information 4 times. The first time is right after studying, read it again. The next 3 iterations will turn in cycles: after 15-20 minutes; after 6-8 hours; and after 24h.

To remember in the long term, the rereading process must be divided into 5 stages. The first is still right after school. Next is after 20-30 minutes; after 24h; after 2-3 weeks; and after 2 - 3 months.

Besides, Ebbinghaus also set out 10 secrets for you to remember better.

10 tips to help you remember better

  • Learn, don't learn rote . The information you understand can be remembered nine times faster.
  • Just learn the information you need , don't try to hug everything. Set your priorities correctly.
  • Note : The first and last learning things are always the easiest to remember.
  • Read many different topics u. Remember, similar memories can be mixed into a mess, and you forget it very quickly.
  • Learn opposites . For example, when learning a new language, learn a word pair: day - night, night - morning. Opposition words will be easier to remember.
  • Connecting things to remember the external environment . For example, you are in a room, try connecting knowledge with something in the room. After that, just remember that room is that you can remember a lot of knowledge.
  • Think of a story: If you have to remember too much information, try arranging it into a story. But it is not a harassment, but things to remember will be put into the "plot twist".
  • Recording : Record the information you need to learn and listen. This method is suitable for those who are able to absorb when listening to good lectures.
  • Use body language when learning . This is a way to activate the so-called "muscular memory", to make it easier to recall later.
  • Choose the most standard source of information : Don't use books or methods that are too old. Things may have changed over time, so don't waste your time on knowledge that's probably not being used.
Update 18 December 2018



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