The robot will have its own Internet

European scientists have just launched a project to help robots store and share data that they collect themselves from the world around them.

Picture 1 of The robot will have its own Internet
A robot capable of cooking in Japan.(Photo:

BBC said, RoboEarth, the name of the project by European scientists, will create a place where robots can put data up and ask for help when performing a task. Scientists participating in the project hope RoboEarth will help robots perform tasks faster.

Dr. Markus Waibel, an expert at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, said that RoboEarth's main purpose is to study measures to enable robots to encode, exchange and exploit knowledge many times.

' Most robots now see the world in their own way and people have very little common standards for robot data. This situation makes it difficult for robot experts to attempt to share information even though they have to solve identical problems. RoboEarth will include a data warehouse and communication system , 'Waibel said.

RoboEarth provides maps of the locations where robots operate, describing the objects they see and instructions on how to accomplish specific tasks. That database is like the Wikipedia page online.

' Wikipedia is what humans use to share knowledge. All members can edit, contribute knowledge and access data. A similar thing for robots doesn't exist , 'Waibel said.

Waibel considers that people will benefit from a robot that they have never seen before, visit RoboEarth to consult information about the objects and tasks to be done there. For example, when entering a building with an earthquake, the robot can access RoboEarth to learn how to use rescue equipment, give first aid to victims, move inside the building. Accessing RoboEarth will help them save a lot of time when performing tasks that people assign.