The secret increases a few centimeters tall after 18 years

Get enough sleep, do stretching exercises, get enough calcium, sunbathe early tomorrow . help you improve your height after puberty.

According to Style Craze, it is difficult to increase height after age 18 because bones have limited development at this age. Bone marrow surgeries or growth hormones in adults will be harmful and dangerous. The habits below may help you increase your precious few centimeters if you persevere.

Prioritize diet and nutrition

Diet and nutrition play a key role in improving your height. A balanced diet rich in calcium, phosphorus, iodine and magnesium will determine height development. The amount of trans fat and saturated fat should be limited in the diet because they are difficult to digest and interfere with the absorption of nutrients. To obtain proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids and calcium needed for healthy growth and development, the following foods are believed: carrots, egg yolks, beef, fish, liver, green vegetables, potatoes western, beans, fruits like apples, bananas, milk, nuts like almonds and peanuts .

Especially calcium is essential for the development and maintenance of healthy bones and cartilage. Therefore, it is necessary to drink milk and milk products to meet the body's calcium needs. In addition, you should also drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day to detoxify your body after consuming a lot of food.

Advocate when given the opportunity

Swimming, jogging, playing basketball, jumping rope, walking stairs every time there is a chance are helpful for the height of the body. After every 30 minutes of working, you stand up and stretch your body to help your body relax, especially the vertebrae are stretched.

Picture 1 of The secret increases a few centimeters tall after 18 years
Swimming is a gold sport that increases height.(Photo: SC).

Get enough sleep

Sleep quality affects overall health and helps growth hormones are actively produced and the bones are stretched longer. Being in the correct position is also important to help you own a balanced body. The tips below help you get a full sleep.

  1. Use a comfortable and firm mattress.
  2. Always wear clean, soft and comfortable clothes while sleeping.
  3. Keep the room dark and quiet while you are asleep.
  4. Bathing with warm water before going to bed helps you sleep deeply
  5. Relax and practice deep breathing before going to bed.

Avoid growth inhibitors

Alcohol, tobacco, and staying up late are causes that inhibit growth and affect the body's natural function including height growth. Smoking increases the levels of carbon monoxide in the blood, which inevitably limits the flow of blood and nutrients to developing areas, causing adverse effects on height. Staying up late and smoking also causes your body to reduce the amount of testosterone, an anabolic hormone involved in developing muscles and bones.

Breathing exercises

Your height is about 1 cm difference at times of the day. When you sleep, your spine is fully stretched, so you achieve the highest state. When standing, the weight of the body pressing on the vertebrae makes you look shorter. That's why after a day of activity, standing, sitting continuously without being straightened, at the end of the day is your lowest time. Performing exercises with soap helps the spine to be fully stretched. You can also add exercises for the lower back as deadlifts.

Get out and enjoy the sunlight

Prepare a good pair of shoes, walk or move in the space with green trees and sunlight from 3-4 sessions per week at the early sunshine time. Sunlight provides vitamin D to the body to help absorb calcium for strong bones and growth.

Exercises that stretch your muscles

What better way to spend 15 minutes each morning practicing stretching exercises in sunlight. The gentle yoga postures such as bending your head pressed against the pillow and holding your legs, posing the cat, cobra posture . helps you stretch the musculoskeletal system effectively.

Picture 2 of The secret increases a few centimeters tall after 18 years
The posture is correct, the back is not too bent or straight.(Photo: PT).

Practice correct posture

A posture with hunched shoulders, curved back makes you lower and look worse. Practicing the correct posture with parallel chin on the floor, the shoulders and back are slightly bent naturally when sitting, eating will be effective in improving the physique.