The secret to drinking beer and alcohol is not drunk

Many believe that drinking mixed wine, beer and spirits is more likely to cause drunkenness. However, scientists claim that this is not always true and there is a way to help you not be "collapsed" when mixing alcoholic drinks together.

Drunken alcohol often makes anyone woke up feeling tired, nauseated, thirsty and burning in the neck. A study of studies published in 2000 confirms the causes of the main symptoms of intoxication are dehydration , hormonal changes such as aldosterone and cortisol, as well as images toxic effects of alcohol.

In addition, the researchers found evidence that the immune system is compromised and this may be the cause of headaches, nausea and fatigue.

The first of the two main components of a drink, affects the level of intoxication very clearly. The higher the alcohol content and the faster the rate of drinking it, the more serious the drunkenness is. However, this is only a moderate phenomenon.

The same amount of alcohol does not always cause the same level of intoxication among people. Many people said that they were not drunk and no one really knew why. In a study of young Dutch vacationers, nearly one-third of people who drank at least 12 units of alcohol (equivalent to 4 250ml glasses) were not intoxicated.

Picture 1 of The secret to drinking beer and alcohol is not drunk

Mixing drinks does not necessarily increase the total amount of alcohol absorbed, except for cocktails. If you combine 3 or 4 types of spirits and other ingredients, the final consequence of the person who drinks them all at once can be a hammering headache and a dry throat.

In addition to ethanol that triggers poisoning, other key components that affect intoxication are "homogeneous" as the beverage industry calls. These are other substances produced during fermentation, such as acetone, acetaldehyde, tincture oil and tannin - the most well-known substance with a dark coloring ability and a taste of the drink. For example, corn whiskey contains 37 times more substance than vodka.

To understand the effects of these substances on the level of intoxication, US researchers have selected college students with good intake. On different nights, volunteers were given corn wine with cola, vodka with cola or fake cola wine with a flavored mineral water, adding a few drops of corn wine or vodka to make them look like real wine . They drink until they reach the concentration of 0.11g alcohol / 100ml of breath, which is 2 - 5 times the permitted limit when driving, depending on the regulations of the country in which they reside.

The study subjects then slept overnight at the hospital and were awakened at 7 am the next morning for breakfast before taking a series of tests. Results showed that corn drinkers rated their intoxication worst, but interestingly, they still performed well on assigned tasks, such as in response time tests.

According to experts, alcoholic beverages such as white rum, vodka and gin tend to be less intoxicating and less intoxicating, as they contain relatively low levels of homogeneous substances compared to alcoholic beverages. dark.

No scientist has ever conducted a balanced study, in which people were randomly asked to drink beer, then wine or wine and beer. However, experts have drawn conclusions based on assessing the strength of these drinks. Beer is only as strong as 1/3 - 1/2 wine, so drinking beer in front of heavier alcoholic drinks will be less poisoned and will most likely avoid being drunk.

If someone starts with wine or spirits, their judgment may be impaired, making them drink more alcohol later. There is now strong evidence that people are not good at judging their own intoxication. At low levels, people often overestimate the amount of alcohol in the blood, but after a few cups of wine or beer, they begin to underestimate this index.

For all these reasons, according to experts, it is impossible to blame the drunkenness for mixing alcoholic beverages.Intoxication can ultimately be due to high levels of copper in drinks or excessive drinking. The scientific community has also considered both the way of drunkenness and the British Medical Journal ever published research results for a series of experiments, from borage trees, artichoke to prickly pears in 2005. Sad news for disciples are spiritual, none of these are really effective.