The shocking solution of the gateway to the 'negative realm'

According to the legend of the ancient Greeks, the Styx River is the gateway to the negative realm.

Like many civilizations, ancient Greeks also had a legend about the gateway to the underworld . This river is likened to the boundary between the world of the living and the world of the dead.

Picture 1 of The shocking solution of the gateway to the 'negative realm'
The Styx River is the gateway to the negative realm.

According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the Styx river leads to the afterlife close to Feneos - an ancient Greek village. The Styx River has 7 passages that pass through the area of ​​the Lord Hell Hades.

Styx river water is extremely dangerous when it can corrode everything, poisonous and deadly danger. In particular, the Styx river is said to carry magical powers that can detect gods or mortals who lie.

Zeus uses the Styx River water to check whether the gods under him lie or not. The gods who lie will not talk for 9 years.

Some experts believe that Alexander the Great had the same symptoms when he underwent a test of lying by the Styx river water. This came from the fact that before the death of 323 BC, the Greek Empire's Alexander Alexander suffered from abdominal pain, joint pain, high fever and loss of voice before falling into a coma and died.

Picture 2 of The shocking solution of the gateway to the 'negative realm'
Styx River water is extremely dangerous when it can corrode everything.

Styx River water has also been described as being able to make people have a solid body like copper, hurting.

Legend has it that Achilles' mother dipped her son into the river Styx. Accordingly, Achilles has a hard body like copper and steel, nothing can be punctured. However, Achilles has a critical weakness in his heel. The reason is because this is the only part of Achilles' body that is not immersed in the river Styx.