The 'survival' rule must teach your baby to avoid kidnapping

Children are very vulnerable to exploiters and frauds because of their low awareness, naive and immature knowledge. However, it is not so that parents keep their children in the "glass cage" all day, to avoid contact with children completely, explore the outside world.

Things to teach children to avoid kidnapping

To minimize the risk of kidnapping and attacks when there are no adults nearby, parents need to equip them with some of the necessary skills below:

1. Do not follow strangers

Do not climb into the car, ride anyone's car unless your parents have told you to do so. In addition, you should stay away from those who show signs of "sticking" your child, whether he is walking or riding a motorbike / car . You don't need to and should not go near any strange cars to talk with people who do not know.

2. Be wary of asking for help

Teach me that there are no adults asking children to help do this or that. If people have a need to find help, people will ask older people. Any stranger speaks to him or her like things like:

  1. My parents are in an accident, let me / uncle / uncle / . take me to my parents right away.
  2. She is my mother's friend, she sent me a gift. You leave it in the car, I'll come and get it.
  3. There was an old lady who broke her arm, and she came to her side to help the old lady.
  4. If you want to see me, you ask me to send you out there.
  5. My dog ​​is getting lost, I'll go find him

Teach your children to respond to strangers: "I don't know her / my uncle. My mother / father is there, so I can ask what my mom / dad has said."

Picture 1 of The 'survival' rule must teach your baby to avoid kidnapping
Give me the habit of asking for permission from my parents before I leave the house and when I go to someone's house.

3. "Safe strangers"

You need to describe in detail your child about "safe strangers" such as traffic police, security guards, supermarket salespeople . babies who can ask for help when lost, have followers watch.

4. Stay away from people who deliberately take your baby somewhere

During this time, he needs to shout loudly "This person is not my mother / father" so the people around can come to the rescue.

5. Create a habit of "go and send"

Give me the habit of having to get permission from my parents before I leave the house and when I go to someone's house, I absolutely will not go away without informing my parents.

6. Do not accept "bribes" from strangers

Teach your child not to receive food, drinks, gifts from strangers anywhere. These often contain anesthesia to make the baby unconscious to ease kidnapping behavior.

7. The "secret" story is often shady

Teach me that it is not advisable for a person to ask me to keep a secret. If people tell their children not to tell anyone something, they should report it to their parents or teachers. Also, if any stranger wants to take a picture of your child, you must know to say "No" and quickly tell your parents or teachers.

8. Privacy

Remind your child that no one is allowed to touch your "private area" , and you are not allowed to touch anyone's "private area" . Each person's body is special and private, inviolable.

Picture 2 of The 'survival' rule must teach your baby to avoid kidnapping
Teach children, if people tell their children not to tell anyone something, they should tell their parents or teachers.(Illustration).

9. Right to refuse

You have the right to be determined and allowed to say "No" to anyone, including adults, even to relatives and friends when they try to take you somewhere, regardless If you want to touch your body and make you feel uncomfortable in any way.

10. Practice screams

Teach me to practice "shouting" . It must be a loud, loud and long-lasting scream to let the person who is deliberately harming the child know that the child is aware of what to do and that the child is not a weak victim who easily surrenders. Screams will also help children find the help of others and empower their children, help them take more breaths and have the courage to run away.

11. Handling when the baby is attacked

If the robber uses a knife or other weapon to control, claim property, do it as required. The important thing now is to ensure life safety, calling for help or pulling might cause the robber to take action to harm his life. Try to observe to find out the identity of the bandit like skin color, high or low, thin or fat . or remember the license plate to report police later.

If you see a robber without a weapon, someone nearby, run to the house around to ask the nearby adult to help and shout: "Rob, rob" , not shouting like "save, save " makes roadgoers think children are joking.