The terrible devastation of the strongest 50-year storm hit the US East Coast

Michael's 'monster' storm level 4 landed near the coast of Mexico, Florida (USA) at 1:30 pm on October 10 (local time), accompanied by a wind of 250km / h threatening death.

Michael's 'monster' storm level 4 landed near the coast of Mexico, Florida (USA) at 1:30 pm on October 10 (local time), accompanied by a wind of 250km / h threatening death.

This storm was assessed by the hydro-meteorological forecasting agency as the most powerful storm hitting the US for nearly 50 years. The storm is predicted to go east and north. Warnings were distributed along the East Coast of the United States from Georgia to Virginia.


According to the latest information, there were people killed in super typhoon Michael due to falling trees.

Earlier, about 3.7 million people in the Panhandle and Big Bend, Florida areas received storm warnings. At least 120,000 people living along the Florida Panhandle strip on October 9 were ordered to evacuate urgently before Hurricane Michael landed. Florida governor Rick Scott described Michael as a " giant storm" , announced. expand the state of emergency to 35 counties and mobilize 2,500 soldiers of the National Guard.

Picture 1 of The terrible devastation of the strongest 50-year storm hit the US East Coast

The storm engulfed many Florida state islands.(Photo: North Carolina Weather Authority).

Picture 2 of The terrible devastation of the strongest 50-year storm hit the US East Coast

Hurricane Michael broke the windows of high-rise buildings.

Picture 3 of The terrible devastation of the strongest 50-year storm hit the US East Coast

The storm blew many vehicles on the road.

Picture 4 of The terrible devastation of the strongest 50-year storm hit the US East Coast

Picture 5 of The terrible devastation of the strongest 50-year storm hit the US East Coast

The storm blew away the people's roof.

Picture 6 of The terrible devastation of the strongest 50-year storm hit the US East Coast


Picture 7 of The terrible devastation of the strongest 50-year storm hit the US East Coast

Hurricane Michael struck a mass of trees in Panama City.


Update 16 December 2018



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