The truth is less known about allergies

Obese children are often at risk of allergies, the first child is also more susceptible to this disease than the first child, allergies can disappear ...

Obese children are often at risk of allergies, the first child is also more susceptible to this disease than the first child, allergies can disappear .

Allergies occur when the body's immune system overreacts to harmless environmental agents such as pollen, house dust, some food . This reaction releases many types of intermediate chemicals such as histamine. , serotonin . are the direct agents causing allergy symptoms such as rash, lip swelling, difficulty breathing, stuffy nose . The nuisance of allergies is easy to see, however, There are facts about allergies that can surprise many people.

Allergies are hereditary

Although scientists have not been able to determine the exact gene causing the allergy, it can be confirmed that the allergic site has a distinct hereditary nature. In a family, if a parent has an allergic reaction, their children have a 30% chance of developing these conditions, but if both parents have an allergy, the risk of developing this condition is in the children. up to 70%.

Allergies can be caused by all agents

Not only because of familiar causes such as pollen, medicine, seafood ., allergies can also be caused by unbelievable reasons such as water, sunshine, slightly cold . Although rare, schools This allergy combination can be very dangerous and difficult to prevent.

Obese children are at risk of allergies

Most people know about the effects of obesity on cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, but scientific studies also show a surprising fact that obesity may increase the risk allergies in children. Obese children have a 26% higher incidence of allergies and 59% higher food allergies than the general rate in the community.

Picture 1 of The truth is less known about allergies


Allergies may appear suddenly in adulthood

Allergies usually appear early and can last up to adulthood. However, in some cases, allergies may appear quite late in adulthood, even though they have never had it before. The reason why allergies appear late in these cases is not well understood.

The first child usually has a higher allergy rate

Birth order may affect the risk of allergies. Some epidemiological studies show that the first-born children have a higher rate of allergic diseases than later children. The reason why this difference is not yet understood but a hypothesis is given is the difference in uterine condition in the first child.

Allergy is one of the top 5 causes of chronic diseases in the world

Allergic conditions such as bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis are one of the most common causes of absenteeism and absenteeism and significantly affect the quality of life of patients.

Picture 2 of The truth is less known about allergies

There may be an association between allergies and depression

When looking for the cause of depression, physicians often think less about allergies. However, many studies show that there is an association between seasonal allergies and depression. Accordingly, depressive symptoms often worsen in the middle of the pollen season.

Allergies can disappear on their own

The development of allergies is often unpredictable, it can disappear in some children and adults. Children are more likely to get rid of allergies, especially milk allergies. Although the likelihood of disappearance of allergies is possible, the caution of patients and families is always necessary. All allergies should not be completely cured.

Allergies may help reduce the risk of brain tumors

Besides causing a lot of trouble for patients, allergies can bring benefits. Studies show that people with allergies are 33% less likely to develop certain types of brain tumors. The cause of this is attributed to IgE allergy antibodies that play a role in reducing the formation of brain tumors.

Update 14 December 2018



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