The whole island of animals in the world

From cat islands, rabbit islands to islands containing deadly animals such as spiders, snakes . are places where few people live but have become a paradise for animals.

Here are the paradises for animals:

Pig Island - Bahamas

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With the official name of the big coral island, the pig island is a small island located in the western Bahamas, there are more than 20 big and small pigs living. These pigs rely on food spilled from yachts at sea and gifts from tourists visiting the island. The most striking sight is the pigs swimming in clear water, waiting around the boat to be fed by guests.

Ilha de Queimada Grande - Brazil

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Ilha de Queimada Grand is considered to be the deadliest island in the world because it is the only habitat of the most unique yellow-headed cobra. This snake is so strong that every square meter on the island has one to five tigers. Because of the overcrowded presence of this killer animal, the Brazilian navy banned anyone from going to the island except for scientists and watchmen on the island.

Island Tashirojima cat - Japan

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Tarshirojima is a small island located on the west coast of Japan, where there are at least 10 cat temples and about 51 different cat monuments. Tashirojima Island has fewer than 100 people while the number of cats living on the island is many times larger. Because the concept of keeping the 'cat god' like a pet in the house is not suitable, cats are free all over the island and still receive proper care and daily feeding. Special breeds of dogs are prohibited on the island.

Christmas Island - Australia

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Australia's Christmas Island has only about 1,500 inhabitants but there are 120 million red crabs migrating from the forest through the island each year to breed. Each crab can take up to 18 days to reach the breeding ground. The process of continuous movement and dehydration also caused many crabs to die along the way. People have designed their own paths for crabs through roads on the island, avoiding them at risk of being crushed by vehicles. Every year at the end of the year, there are 400,000 visitors to this small island to admire the red carpet woven with millions of crabs on the island.

Lemur Island - Madagascar

Picture 5 of The whole island of animals in the world

Madagascar is famous in the world as the only place where people can see firsthand lemurs. This is a primate that looks like a hybrid with squirrels and dogs, emitting a whale-like sound and strutting on the sand like a ballet dancer. There are hundreds of lemurs living around the island with more than 60 species. However, they are at risk of extinction due to serious human habitat.

Spider Island - Guam

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Spiders have been living on this small island in Guam many years ago, but until recently they have become a major problem for the island. Previously, there were a large number of native birds eating spiders on the island, helping to reduce the number of poisonous spiders here. However, in the forest there appears a type of brown snake that specializes in birds and has caused extinction for 10 species. Since then, it has been estimated that the number of spiders in forests on Guam has increased by 40 times compared to other islands in the region and the number of brown snakes also reaches millions.

Okunoshima rabbit island - Japan

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Okunoshima Island previously had a factory producing chemical weapons with many toxic gases, used by Japanese troops during World War II. Rabbits that are used are experiments in these plants. After the war ended they were freed and lived in the island to this day making the number of rabbits increase rapidly. Every year, every time you go to the island, tourists often bring food and play with the rabbits on the island.

Montecristo Island - Italy

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Until 2012, the island named after this famous Earl was still a place without human figure due to the abundance of mice. There used to be thousands of rats everywhere. The fact that they ate eggs Yelkouan Sheawrater was a species that was nearly extinct, causing authorities to use poison bombing methods throughout the island to kill rats.

Seal island in Cape Town - South Africa

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Seal Island is actually a land about 800m long and 50m long, located 5.7km off the north coast of False Bay, near Cape Town, South Africa. The island is named so because a large number of Cape fur seals are possessing the land. About 64,000 Cape fur seals live on this land of less than 2 hectares.