Things you don't know about lemon basil

Lemon basil is not only a delicious spice vegetable but also a familiar herb for Vietnamese people.

Lemon basil is not only a delicious spice vegetable but also a familiar herb for Vietnamese people.

Lemon basil is a herbaceous plant whose scientific name is Plectranthus amboinicus . They are also known by other names such as frequency of thick leaves, dwarf herbs, hairy herbs, vegetable frequency, yolk.

Lemon basil is often grown to make spices and medicinal herbs. The trunk is 20-50cm tall with the stem close to the wood. The leaves are thick, hard, crunchy, rounded with rounded teeth, light green.

Picture 1 of Things you don't know about lemon basil

Lemon basil is a familiar spice vegetable of Vietnamese people.

Lemon basil plants can be harvested all year round. It has a spicy, slightly acidic, aromatic, warm, non-toxic taste. In addition, the plant also contains a small amount of essential oils, in essential oils up to 65.2% of phenolic compounds including salicylates, thymol, carvacrol, eugenol and chavicol. In lemon basil, there is also a red substance called colein which has a strong antibiotic effect on some germs, especially in the throat, nose, mouth and intestinal tract.

In Vietnam, lemon basil is used to treat sore throat, flu, fever, cold, headache, nasal congestion, and productive cough. This is a herb that has the effect of dispersing typhoid, sputum, antiseptic.

Picture 2 of Things you don't know about lemon basil

Lemon basil plants can be harvested all year round.

In Malaysia, people cook lemon basil leaves for women after childbirth while in India, lemon basil leaves are also used to cure urinary tract and vaginal discharge.

In our country, lemon basil is also grown to chase mosquitoes. This plant has vitality tough, easy to grow and grow even in the shade.

Update 17 December 2018



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