This robot wants to 'borrow' your face for $ 130,000

Do you accept a license to use ... your own face to get a twin robot?

Do you accept a license to use . your own face to get a twin robot?

Do you have a "friendly and kind" face ? You are not afraid if someday a robot like you will slaughter the whole planet? Congratulations, because you're about to have $ 130,000.

Picture 1 of This robot wants to 'borrow' your face for $ 130,000

Geomiq, a UK design and production company, has just called on everyone if interested to become the "face" - literally - of the most advanced humanoid robot the company is working on. developed with an anonymous company.

" The company is looking for a" friendly and kind face "to make the robot's face once it is put into production, " Geomiq said in the project blog. " The face of the chosen one will be posted on thousands of versions of this robot worldwide ."

The robot has been in development for five years - according to Geomiq - and will be used as an adult companion.

Geomiq said the company behind the robot would someday look like this friend, privately financed and received investments from independent venture capital funds and a leading donor based in Shanghai. Hai. Apart from this information, the anonymous company is still a mystery.

The blog post did not mention the age or gender of the participants, but instead asked the person who wants to authorize the use of the face to send a photo via email for a chance to receive $ 130,000. Candidates selected to the next round will be provided with complete information about the project. According to Geomiq, they must keep it a secret because they have signed a non-disclosure agreement with the robot's designer and investors.

Picture 2 of This robot wants to 'borrow' your face for $ 130,000

There are still many unexplained questions surrounding the project, such as: how much will the human face be modified to fit the robot's structure? Why didn't the designer hire an artist to create a face for the robot? .

With the number of seniors over 85 able to more than triple by 2050, robots designed to help the elderly will become increasingly popular. They also serve a practical purpose, doing things like responding to voice commands, proactively providing notices and advice, and allowing relatives of the elderly to monitor home conditions.

  • The most human-like female robot takes the first steps
  • Robots are just like humans, causing riot when breaking a glass of water and revealing ambition to dominate
Update 30 October 2019



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