Thomas Edison vs Nikola Tesla: When the merchant collapses before the madman

The electric war is a real historical event, taking place in the late 1880s and early 1890s between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla.

The electric war is a real historical event, taking place in the late 1880s and early 1890s between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla.

Inventor Thomas Edison (1847 - 1931) was a great successer in the dissemination of early power use, especially the development of the application of light bulbs that fueled a revolution for society as well as the second industrial revolution.

Initially, the light bulb was invented in the 19th century, but the widespread use of electric and public lighting systems was only applied in the late 1870s and the efficiency of light bulbs was not high.

In 1878, Edison improved the lighting performance of the light bulb and his Edison Electric Light company began to dominate the electricity market.

Edison Light is a pioneer in DC (DC) applications in life. However, unidirectional power systems cannot transmit electricity too far and need a lot of copper pipes, at that costly time, to install.

Picture 1 of Thomas Edison vs Nikola Tesla: When the merchant collapses before the madman

Thomas Edison (1847 - 1931) was a great man in the dissemination of early power usage.

By the end of the 1880s, AC system (AC) was invented with the ability to transmit electricity further. In particular, the inventions of Nikola Tesla (July 10, 1856 - January 7, 1943) for Westinghouse Electric have made a great contribution to the development of the AC industry as well as today's electric system. .

Of course, Westinghouse's participation in the electricity market threatened Edison Light's position and the battle between the two big electrics as well as between the two inventors was increasingly pushed to the climax.

Against the advantages of alternating electricity, Edison and Edison Light focused on the safety of the system. They provide a series of evidence that this electrical system is not safe.

At that time, many street circus actors were paid to power pets to prove this insecurity. Even, the electric death method has started to become popular since this period.

However, the benefits of alternating current are indisputable. Despite criticism regarding the safety of AC power, this new energy system is still supported by businessmen and authorities.

By the 1890s, Thomas Edison decided to withdraw from the electricity industry to focus on developing his other inventions. With Edison's withdrawal, the electric power battle officially ended with the victory of Tesla, AC and Westinghouse.

Interestingly, Nikola Tesla used to work for Thomas Edison when he first came to America. However, due to disagreement about the point of view, these two inventors cannot cooperate with each other.

Picture 2 of Thomas Edison vs Nikola Tesla: When the merchant collapses before the madman

In fact, both of them have made great contributions to humanity and cannot determine exactly who is better.

Not only is it successful in the power sector, Tesla is also a great inventor with X-ray detection, sketching pioneering ideas for robot technology and having incredible predictions in this area of ​​technology. .

Not only that, he was also the inventor of a wireless radio control system for the US Navy, inventing an electric motor and laying the foundations for wireless power.

At that time, many people called Tesla a madman because his idea was ahead of the time. Even many of his views to this day are not fully understood, although many previous ideas have been proven accurate. Even this Austrian inventor died in bankruptcy due to investing all the money in research.

Although Tesla won the power battle, many experts and analysts still debate the capabilities of the two inventors. Is the "ancestor" of the light bulb or "father" of alternating electricity the greatest inventor?

In fact, both have made great contributions to humanity and cannot determine exactly who is better. We can only evaluate some differences of 2 inventors of this genius.

Picture 3 of Thomas Edison vs Nikola Tesla: When the merchant collapses before the madman

Nikola Tesla has superhuman memory and he often sketches briefly before embarking on research.

Work style

Nikola Tesla has superhuman memory and he often sketches briefly before embarking on research. This made him save time and money for many inventions. However, it may be too "smart" that he cannot work with many people, thereby limiting his performance.

In contrast, because Thomas Edison was not well educated, Thomas Edison often used experiments to create inventions. This cost him more time and money. However, because Edison knew his weakness, Edison had a huge support and expert team to help him complete the job.

It was Tesla who criticized that if he had to find a needle in the straw, Edison would pick up each straw while he could use a simple calculation to determine the location of that needle.

Throughout his life, Edison held 1,093 patents, much higher than Tesla's 300 patents. However, many of Edison's inventions are acquired and improved, including light bulbs, or developed primarily by support professionals.

Picture 4 of Thomas Edison vs Nikola Tesla: When the merchant collapses before the madman

Many even claim that Edison is more like a trader than an inventor.


Although Edison has important inventions for humans, most of these inventions are highly practical and not too "ahead of time". In other words, if Edison does not improve the light bulb then others will do it. Many areas that this inventor researches are also being carried out by other scientists at that time.

On the contrary, Tesla has a view that surpasses the era too far. Many of his inventions were on paper and were not pragmatic at that time.

Edison himself dismissed the "impractical" nature of alternating electricity when Tesla worked for him, leading to a power battle later on.

Tesla's ideas contribute greatly to today's wireless communications, mobile phones and television . However, due to the lack of financial resources to complete the study as well as the limitations of science and technology that the inventor died in the end.

Picture 5 of Thomas Edison vs Nikola Tesla: When the merchant collapses before the madman

Tesla's thoughts contribute greatly to today's wireless communications, mobile phones and television.


Edison was clearly more influential than Tesla at that time when he split experiments and handed them to his employees . This light-bulb patron only ensured funding for experiments or participated in the most important inventions.

Meanwhile, Tesla 's thought was " so unusual" that apart from winning the alternating current, his other inventions did not resonate and sink into oblivion until the 1990s, when the reasons His theory began to be authenticated.

Picture 6 of Thomas Edison vs Nikola Tesla: When the merchant collapses before the madman

Nikola Tesla is said to be arrogant and suffers from "excessively clean".

Life style

At its peak, Tesla lived in the upper class with elegant, charismatic and witty style . He can say many things to make friends with famous people like the great writer Mark Twain or Rudyard Kipling.

However, he is also said to be arrogant and suffering from "overly clean". In the last years of his life, the disease became increasingly severe and he lost his penniless status at a New York hotel.

Inventor Edison again had a closed life in contrast , he only had a few close friends. Although he lost in the electric war, his influence was still great. Towards the end of his life, Edison became close friends with Henry Ford, founder of the Ford automaker, and still carried out many experiments.


Tesla is famous as a person with a nice dress style at the time . With a tall, slender silhouette and a manicured mustache, he impressed many with his looks and intelligence. The hat and stick that Tesla used is still on display in the Serbian museum.

In contrast, Edison did not care much about looks. No one is interested in what Edison once wore because they are not really attractive. Even, the inventor used to wear bigger shoes than his feet to easily put them in / out without wasting time tying / untying his shoes.

Update 15 December 2018



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