Tips for using frozen food people should know

Be a housewife who is sure and know how to use frozen to not harm the health of the whole family.

Tips to help you buy frozen things:

Where do you buy it

People who buy imported frozen food must know where they buy (supermarkets, registered food stores and are allowed to do business .).

Imported frozen food in principle must be checked and certified. Consumers need to check for food with labels, where they come from, with extra labels in Vietnamese?

Picture 1 of Tips for using frozen food people should know

Check food temperature

Frozen foods are always preserved in cabinets with a temperature of - 18 ° C or below. Buyers can look at temperature gauges mounted on storage cabinets. The clock does not guarantee that temperature means that the storage time is shorter and does not guarantee safety.

Look how packaging is

After checking all this information, consumers can check the food inside by looking through the packaging.

Frozen foods always close very neatly, not messy. Frozen foods that are not molded, but using manual closure, will not have any packages like them. The food thawed and then frozen, there were no packages like it.

These are two non-technical packaging methods and do not guarantee food safety and hygiene.

Do not use frozen food that gets stuck together

Foods packed in small members such as shrimp, fish, . when thawed and re-frozen, often stick together. Normally shrimp leave one by one. In principle, when the food has frozen, after defrosting, it must be processed and used immediately.

Absolutely not soak in water to thaw frozen food

When you bring frozen food home: Freeze it at a cool temperature or cool it out of the refrigerator from 8-10 ° C, not put it in the water, or put it outside to melt. In the case of reluctant discharge, we can cut it as soon as the food is frozen and processed immediately.