Today, 3 large asteroids rush towards the Earth

Our planet is once again blessed with these three asteroids, according to the US Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), just grazing near the earth and not in danger.

NASA warned that at 1:21 am 11/11 in Vietnam time, 3 large asteroids will approach Earth at extremely close distance.

Our planet is once again lucky because of the three asteroids, according to the US Air and Space Agency (NASA), just grazing near the Earth and not in danger. According to calculations, the largest asteroid in the third set is named 2018 VR1 , which is more than 30 meters long, which is the size of a giant blue whale.

Picture 1 of Today, 3 large asteroids rush towards the Earth

NASA predicts three large asteroids are rushing towards Earth and will approach the closest at dawn 11/11 - (Artwork from SHUTTERSTOCK).

The remaining two asteroids are 13 and 18 meters in size. The reason NASA closely follows them is because with that size, they are enough to cause significant damage if they enter the Earth's atmosphere.

According to NASA calculations, the closest distance in this approach of the three celestial bodies is 381.474km, closer than the distance from the Earth to the Moon. Although the number seems large, it is already a close distance from the safe distance that space objects should hold. They are classified by NASA as "close access".

2018 VR1 and its "2 friends" will be at the closest point to the earth at around 21: 21 minutes on November 10 at GMT, ie 1 hour 21 minutes on 11/11. After the approach phase, the asteroid's natural orbit will take them away from the earth to 5 million kilometers.

The bad news is that with that size and distance, you'll need professional astronomical observation tools to see the terrifying scare of these three asteroids.

The is a kind of "space stone" wandering in the universe. Inside, asteroids are pieces of celestial bodies fired from collisions. Some asteroids of unknown origin, dating back to an ancient age and are considered as relics of the formation of the Solar System.

Update 17 December 2018



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