Top 10 deadly dangerous animals

Asian cobras have a strong presence in Asia: Although Asian snake-bearing snakes are not at the top of the most poisonous snakes, they are also a dangerous species for what they once caused. About 50.

1. Mosquitoes

Most small stings only make you feel itchy. But some mosquitoes carry and transport many malaria-causing parasites. This is the result of these small harassers' responsible for the deaths of more than 2 million people in a year.

Picture 1 of Top 10 deadly dangerous animals

Mosquito (Photo: LiveScience)

2. Cobras that carry Asia.

Although Asian snake-bearing snakes are not at the top of the most venomous snakes, they are also a dangerous species for what they once caused. About 50,000 people die from snake bites in a year, the majority are bitten by Asian cobra.

Picture 2 of Top 10 deadly dangerous animals

Asian Cobra (Photo:

3. Australian jellyfish

Known as a marine insect, this jellyfish-sized jellyfish may have over 60 tentacles, about 15 feet long. Each tentacle has 5,000 magnets, and enough toxins to kill 60 people.

Picture 3 of Top 10 deadly dangerous animals

Australian Box Jellyfish (Photo:

4. White sharks

The smell of blood in the water will provoke these sharks in craving appetite. There they will use all 3000 teeth to bite anything moving.

Picture 4 of Top 10 deadly dangerous animals

Great White Shark (Photo:

5. African lion

Giant teeth? Or The sudden attack? The same is true. Is the razor sharp claw? You can't hope for better, these giant "cats" are almost an exact hunter.

Picture 5 of Top 10 deadly dangerous animals

African Lion (Photo:

6. Crocodile in Australia

Don't confuse crocodiles with fresh logs! It can lie dormant in the water, wait until "guests" cross the road; then, with a glimpse of the eyes, it will suddenly attack its prey, dragging its prey into the water and dividing it into small parts.

Picture 6 of Top 10 deadly dangerous animals

Australian Saltwater Crocodile (Photo: homestead)

7. Elephants

Elephants are not only as friendly as Dumbo, but elephants can kill more than 500 people a year worldwide. African elephants usually weigh 16,000 pounds. The best way, you should stay away from their steps and do not mention sharp ivory tusks.

Picture 7 of Top 10 deadly dangerous animals

Elephant (photo: elephant-pictures)

8. Polar Bear - Polar Bear

In the zoo, polar bears can be seen lovingly, but in the wild, they can eat sea dogs for breakfast. And they can also easily take your head with just a huge slap.

Picture 8 of Top 10 deadly dangerous animals

Polar Bear (Photo:

9. Earth buffalo - Cape Buffalo

In the face of predators, the buffalo buffalo often stabbed their opponents with two large, sharp and sharp horns. You will be lucky if there is only one child, but it is really dangerous when the whole flock of 100 runs back to your side.

Picture 9 of Top 10 deadly dangerous animals

Cape Buffalo (Photo:

10. Frog Poison Dart - A kind of poison frog

Absolutely not touch these small frogs. Because the back of them oozes a slimy neurotoxin which is an extremely toxic substance, this mucus helps them avoid predators from behind. The poison of every frog is enough to kill 10 people.

Picture 10 of Top 10 deadly dangerous animals

Poison Dart Frog (Photo:

Ngoc Lan (Translated from LiveScience)

Update 16 December 2018



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