Turn invasive creatures into specialties

Lionfish fritters may soon become specialties in American restaurants. Classified as invasive species, lionfish are devastating fish populations in coral reefs along the coast of Florida and the Caribbean.

Lionfish fritters may soon become specialties in American restaurants.

Picture 1 of Turn invasive creatures into specialties

Classified as invasive species, lionfish are devastating fish populations in coral reefs along the coast of Florida and the Caribbean. Not only the lionfish, but many other invasive organisms such as European blue crabs, Asian carp . are making scientists worry because they multiply so fast, eat native creatures, compete with food and living environment. Americans used to spend millions of dollars to set up electronic fences to prevent Asian carp from the Illinois River from flooding into the Great Lake.

According to experts, the invasive creature can completely make food for humans, which is important for marketing. Accordingly Asian carp can replace Chilean fish, lionfish replace grouper in recipes. The James Beard Foundation and Kerry Heffernan have partnered with chefs at New York's South Gate restaurant to create compelling recipes, turning these invasive creatures into specialties. According to the New York Times, last summer, the Nature Reserve sponsored a feast of lionfish in the Bahamas and ordered fishermen to catch them for $ 11 a pound.

Update 17 December 2018



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