Twins 'million pairs have one'

The Bailey house twins (UK) are said to be "a couple with one" by a normal baby, a baby with Down syndrome.

Nicola and Todd Bailey (England) did not find Harper's daughter had genetic problems until the baby was born, 38 minutes before her twin sister Quinn. "All I remember was that the doctor said sorry , " Nicola recalls.

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Despite being twins, Harper (left) suffers from Down syndrome and Quinn is completely normal.(Photo: SWNS).

Sharing with Metro, Nicola said before Harper and Quinn, the couple had their son Lucas. The ultrasound results revealed that the 32-year-old nurse was pregnant, but did not show any abnormal signs.

On February 15, Nicola died. 30 minutes after the labor break, the doctor informed her they suspected Harper had Down's syndrome. Tests that confirm this suspicion are true. In addition to Down's syndrome, Harper suffers from a hole in his heart, so he is likely to undergo surgery at age six.

Although her daughter was born abnormally, Nicola did not feel disappointed."When I saw two children, my heart melted. Both babies were extremely beautiful , " she said.

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Nicola with three children.(Photo: SWNS).

The only thing that bothered Nicola was the attitude of those around her."Sometimes they stare and say," Oh, she was Down, "or" I'm sorry "," she said. "I don't see anything unfortunate."

Besides, Nicola revealed that Harper and Quinn were very close: "You like being together. Although it's not the same egg and Harper's twins, I still find them with the same nose and lips. Our family is unique and I will never trade for anything ".