'Typhoon' defeated the invasion of the Mongolian empire

A sudden hurricane and storm surged to help the Japanese escape the danger situation before the invasion of the Mongols.

According to Guardian, August 1281, Kublai Khan, the great reign of the Mongolian empire, sent Japanese invaders. But similar to the previous invasion in 1274, the Mongols once again failed due to weather factors.

The strong invasion army with more than 4,000 warships and 140,000 soldiers, comes from South Korea and China. The Japanese were not inferior in number but were poorer because the Mongols carried new weapons such as exploding arrows and grenades.

Picture 1 of 'Typhoon' defeated the invasion of the Mongolian empire
The violent storm caused the Mongol invaders to defeat the Japanese.(Artwork: Issho Yada).

However, the Japanese forces still tightened their defenses, making the Mongol soldiers unable to capture Kyushu. While the two sides were in a tug of war, a violent storm rose.

Do not want to be trapped in enemy territory, Mongolian invaders retreat to the ship and try to move in storms. Many warships collided with each other or crashed into a cliff, causing most soldiers to drown.

The surviving troops were swept onto the coast by the waves and died under the Japanese sword. Only a few hundred warships returned safely to Mongolia, marking the complete invasion.

In Japan, the hurricane was seen as a sign of gods' support and was named "wind god" or Kamikaze in Japanese.

Strong storms rarely occur in Kyushu. However, the researchers looked at the lake bottom sediment in the area to detect traces of severe flooding in the 13th century. Besides, analysis of the Mongol ship's warship indicates quality. poor production and not strong enough to move in storms.