Unexpected facts about the time of

People in prehistoric times who struggled because of the lack of big, stupid Neanderthals or food ... are misconceptions that many people still believe.

People in prehistoric times who struggled because of the lack of big, stupid Neanderthals or food . are misconceptions that many people still believe.

Prehistoric times are extremely mysterious stages for us, this is a period of many primitive and dark throughout the long history of human development. Perhaps it is because of this that there is a lot of knowledge and prehistoric hypotheses that are completely wrong, but we still believe they are true .

1. Prehistoric people live fully and well

We still think that life of prehistoric people is very difficult. Especially about food, because there is no agriculture at the moment, food is mainly through hunting and gathering.

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The majority of people today think about the extremely prehistoric prehistoric times, people struggle with nature, food is not diverse, malnourished and not delicious.

However, archaeological evidence shows that prehistoric life was very good at the era of hunter gatherings. Their fruits are rich and nutritious, easy to find. At this stage, the amount of heat from the Sun is quite uniform, creating a growing vegetation, many fruit trees have fruit all four seasons.

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The hunting process is not too hard. Their body shape is quite high, intelligence appears, so hunting coordination and hunting tools are very effective. The animals in this period were quite large and slow, they only needed to hunt one animal, which was enough food for a long month.

2. Prehistoric people are not inferior to modern people

'Prehistoric people have no complicated thoughts', that is our extremely wrong understanding of them. The fact is that a prehistoric child is fully capable and aware to become a modern person if he is raised in our time.

Anatomical evidence shows that the human brain today is almost identical to that of prehistoric people 100,000 years ago. Scientists are surprised that humans take only a short time to lead the evolutionary ladder.

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It takes us about 40,000 years to know how to work, hunt and master nature. They were so "scary" that they wiped out many large animals in the period of 40,000 to 50,000 years ago, including: big bag bears, giant kangaroo, rhinos . And that is the clearest evidence. for the intelligence of prehistoric people.

A recent hypothesis suggests that modern humans are actually only prehistoric people but have adapted, dependent on high-tech lifestyles far from those of ancient ancestors. Even modern people are inferior to physical prehistoric people.

McAllister archeology professor has calculated that a normal prehistoric person could run barefoot on rough roads at a speed of 37km / h, other powerful people easily reached speeds of 45km / h faster than speed. Usain Bolt 2009 world record. Or a prehistoric woman who has a height and body size is far superior to men now.

3. Neanderthals grow more than modern ancestors

The Neanderthals are a species in the extinct genus, they existed in tandem with modern humans - Homo sapiens. But they soon lost to Homo sapiens, so they disappeared completely on Earth.

Perhaps because of that, we believe that Neanderthals have smaller brains, rely on nature like animals, and were soon eliminated.

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Neanderthals are a branch in the development of primates, including humans

But the truth is, the Neanderthal skull has a developed frontal lobe, which involves protecting the high-end thinking region. Neanderthal's eye sockets are also much larger than Homo sapiens.

This proves their thinking and judgment are very good. Interestingly, Neanderthals are the authors of the world's oldest bone tools and modern people take a long time to do as they are.

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Neanderthal skulls (left) show that their eye sockets are much larger than those of Homo sapiens.

The reason why Neanderthals disappear is most likely because their residential areas have more adverse conditions than Homo sapiens.

While modern humans dominate the rich prairies, the hot lands of Africa as habitats, the Neanderthals settle in poorly cold lands.

4. The middle species between gibbons and people have been found long ago

In the process of human evolution there are still many mysteries. Because evolution is a long process, going through many intermediate stages, development from gibbons to people is slow and through many different forms.

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Portrait of Australopithecus

In it many people believe that the chain from gibbons to humans is still lacking and completely mysterious to humanity. Because of this, many crazy assumptions have been made, suggesting that mysterious creatures like Bigfoot, Yeti and Snowman are mediators between gibbons and modern humans.

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But in fact the intermediate link was long found - Australopithecus and Homo habilis. The two links were found in 2010. The fossil found to have similar traits to gibbons, low, very long arms, short legs, no tail but the hair was less, the skull was larger, living completely on the ground.

The intermediate evidence between gibbons and people is increasingly being discovered continuously and is not too mysterious.

Update 18 December 2018



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