'Unexpected' predictions about technology 2007

Another year has passed, and the Earth hasn't exploded because of a certain comet. A lot of predictions for the face of technology in 2007, but why it must always be serious, so moral.

The following predictions of Wired have been seen through the "Mirror House" so sometimes, they will make you unable to smile.

1. Again a year of competition. When a series of sites like MySpace, Flickr, and Yelp reached the other giants in turn, Google ran out of "goods" for investment. The company will decide . to buy back itself at an unprecedented price in the precedent: $ 10.4 billion in shares.

Picture 1 of 'Unexpected' predictions about technology 2007 Source: Infoworld " Google is a leader in search and a powerful competitor in many other online areas. It is only natural that Google wants to partner with a matching Internet giant. That's why they are I am proud to announce Google Google, the website will live beta in the next 15 years . ".

2. Nokia released mxx2115, a mobile phone model with integrated MP3 player, game video, digital camera, digital video camera, SMS, calendar, GPS, computer, satellite radio, email, the Downloadable video clips, web browsers, audio recorders and even electronic thermometers.

But in the end, they realized that they had forgotten the most basic feature of a phone: calling. This device of course still sells well, thanks to a series of commercials in which sexy girls claim to love mxx2155 phone guys only.

3. The battle between the new DVD formats HD-DVD and Blu-ray will continue to spread. Consumers will sit and wait until the war is over to buy products.

The electronics industry will try to break this deadlock by releasing several new formats, such as Sqa-ray, encryption technology on square or HD-DVD-SF discs, a history format. Use lasers to create buzzing sounds every time a gun explodes on the screen.

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