Unique power plant shaped wine glasses

The US space agency (NASA) is studying the design of a space solar power plant shaped like a giant wine glass.

>>>Build power plants in space?

This space solar power plant is called SPS-ALPHA. Currently, the project is in the research phase, but scientists believe this idea will soon become a reality.

Picture 1 of Unique power plant shaped wine glasses
The solar power plant will have a glass of wine

SPS-ALPHA solar power plant is like a giant wine glass with thousands of solar panels thin, curved and flexible to move. This design helps the panels to maximize energy from the Sun.

Inside the giant "wine glass" are photovoltaic panels that convert solar energy into wave energy. After that, the generated waves will be transmitted to Earth and converted into electrical energy before being supplied to users.

Dr. John Mankins, head of the project, said on the Daily Mail: 'If successful, this project could provide between 10,000 and 1 million megawatts for demand under Earth and space missions through the system. power transmission system '.

Space solar power plants have the advantage of not depending on day or night factors like power plants on Earth. However, the difficulty is that the power transmission system to the Earth is very complicated.

Some Japanese companies and the Space Exploration Agency (JAEA) are also planning to launch a solar power station on space in the next 20 years.