Solar energy application is by far the largest scale and probably even in the future.

California, home to the 'green' ambitions that help the solar and wind industry take root, is making strong increases in energy storage to achieve better synthetic renewable energy

The light source or energy source emanating from the Sun is almost endless with the infinity of the Sun itself. Because this energy source is generated by fusion fusion occurs in

Japan's Toshiba Electronics Group has said it will enter the solar power market through its branch to increase the total power output from this energy source to 6,500kW in fiscal

Kansai Electric Power Company on November 24 started construction of Japan's largest solar power plant in Sakai town in Osaka province.

The US and Australia governments on February 5 agreed to accelerate the joint research program between the solar energy experts of the two countries, seeking ways to reduce costs

Europe has long wanted to stop using fossil fuels and switch to renewable energy sources such as wind or the Sun.

The world's largest floating solar power plant in China can produce 40 megawatts of electricity, enough to meet the demand for electricity for 15,000 households.

Super-giant solar fields in the state of South Australia are rushing to be completed in preparation for official operation.

India's new plant has a capacity of 648 MW, becoming the world's largest solar power plant today.