Unique with artistic canvas painting

Benjamin Shine artist (England) used tulle to create incredible portraits that look like 3-dimensional images.

The portrait on this tulle sheet looks like a 3-dimensional image.

Benjamin Shine artist (England) used tulle to create incredible portraits that look like 3-dimensional images.

With the table, Benjamin used pieces of tulle to make his passionate artwork. Benjamin used holes in tulle to create tones and shadows that made his portrait look like photographs when viewed from afar. Pencils and paints used to make the work feel like 3-dimensional photos.

Let's see some of Benjamin's works:

Picture 1 of Unique with artistic canvas painting

Picture 2 of Unique with artistic canvas painting

Picture 3 of Unique with artistic canvas painting

Picture 4 of Unique with artistic canvas painting

Picture 5 of Unique with artistic canvas painting

Picture 6 of Unique with artistic canvas painting

Update 15 December 2018



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