Use land to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Soil has a few important characteristics to be noticed: Ability to sequester carbon, reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Scientists are studying this benefit to find solutions to climate change .

There are about 830 billion tons of carbon in the air. Every year, people waste about 10 billion tons more. The soil can contain 4,800 billion tons, 6 times the air.

Picture 1 of Use land to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Soil is capable of sequestering carbon, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.(Photo: Organicconsumers).

Johannes Lehmann of Cornell University - co-author of the study - said: " We can significantly reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere by using land, using land management technology to reduce greenhouse gases." .

It is important to strengthen the nitrogen cycle in the soil, ensuring that nitrogen - essential for plant growth - is balanced. This not only helps the soil increase its ability to sequester carbon, reduce the greenhouse effect, but also increases soil fertility, increases crop yields and biodiversity, reduces water pollution and erosion and protects crops. from the effects of climate change.

Specific activities for land management are: Maintaining land by maintaining forests or pastures, reducing farmland, increasing livestock grazing, applying biochar, planting cover crops and vegetation for barren productive land.

To promote effective global warming, land management requires a combination of knowledge in the fields of politics, economy, society and culture.