Use of apple cider vinegar for pregnant women

Thanks to gentle natural acid ingredients, apple cider vinegar supports detoxification, kidney purification, harmful free radical reduction, resistance resistance . for pregnant women, according to Bragg Health Journal (USA). ).

>> Apple cider vinegar helps prevent cardiovascular disease

Apple cider vinegar is good for pregnant women

Apple cider vinegar (apple cider vinegar) is a popular remedy favored by Western moms because of its milder acidity than other vinegar and keeping some vitamins of fresh apples. Pregnant and lactating women can use apple cider vinegar daily for many health purposes.

Picture 1 of Use of apple cider vinegar for pregnant women
Apple cider vinegar has a milder acidity than other vinegar and preserves some vitamins of fresh apples.

Pregnant women often use apple cider vinegar to detoxify the body, reduce harmful free radicals, help protect the health of pregnant women and their babies . This is also a good kidney purification, cleansing the kidney deposits when entering the body, helping pregnant mother avoid common urinary symptoms in pregnancy.

In addition, apple cider vinegar also helps purify many internal organs, break down mucus and clean the lymph nodes in the body . As a result, pregnant women increase their resistance in pregnancy, limit allergies, sore throats and headaches. Using apple cider vinegar during pregnancy also helps to clear the mucous membranes around the fetus, a healthy baby from the womb and a cleaner birth.

Apple cider vinegar also works to reduce cholesterol naturally, helping pregnant women to limit obesity in pregnancy . Using apple cider vinegar after birth also helps women slowly regain their physique, without affecting breastfeeding. Weight loss effect of slow but long-lasting apple cider vinegar. According to experts, using apple cider vinegar at a daily dose will alter the mechanism of metabolism, helping the body get used to burning fat, not "starving" sugar and fat.

However, pregnant mothers should only use up to 1-2 teaspoons (equivalent to 500 mg) of diluted apple cider vinegar daily . Apple cider vinegar should be diluted before use to avoid damage to tooth enamel and esophagus. If you don't like the smell of vinegar, you can use honey apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 5: 1 or use cold pressed apple cider vinegar in tablets.