Use virtual earthquakes to predict Los Angeles scenarios

Los Angeles (LA) will experience a stronger shock than expected, based on the results of a virtual earthquake model studied by American experts.

Scientists at Stanford University (USA) have used weak vibrations created by the sea to create a virtual earthquake model to predict the motion of the ground and seismic risk for buildings. build once real earthquakes take place.

Picture 1 of Use virtual earthquakes to predict Los Angeles scenarios
Screenshot of a virtual earthquake created by a supercomputer - (Photo: Southern California Earthquake Center)

Thanks to the information gathered, the expert team predicted that Los Angeles would suffer a strong vibration if the earthquake occurred in the south of the city.

This means that if the earthquake is 7 or more in magnitude, the ground will move very violently, and the greater the danger.

'We use a new approach to recreate large earthquakes in the south of the San Andreas Break and study the reactions of the Los Angeles urban environment in the seismic case,' the Los Angeles Times newspaper. quoted Marine research leader Denolle.

To come up with this method, experts took advantage of the fact that earthquakes are not the only phenomenon that produces seismic waves.