Watermelon has the same effect as Viagra

A piece of cool watermelon will work for you like Viagra sex medicine. But don't rush to hope it will keep you enthusiastic all night.

Watermelon contains an ingredient called citrulline, which promotes the production of a compound that relaxes blood vessels, similar to when a man takes Viagra pills.

When consumed in large amounts, citrulline reacts with enzymes in the body and converts into arginine - an amino acid that benefits the heart, circulatory system and immune system.

"Although watermelons may not be as effective as viagra in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, it is also a great way to dilate blood vessels without any side effects," Bhimu Patil at the Center. Improving A&M vegetables in Texas, USA, said.

Picture 1 of Watermelon has the same effect as Viagra

(Photo: corbis)

This compound also helps cure sore throats, lowers blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems.

Citrulline is found in all melons and most in yellow intestinal watermelon. However it is more in the shell than in meat. Scientists are hoping to find a way to increase the density of this substance in the gut.

According to the researchers, each person needs to drink about 6 cups of watermelon to get enough citrulline to have the same effect as Viagra.