Weight loss with food suction

With the pump feeds out of the stomach, the body weight of fat people can be reduced to more than 20kg a year.

>>> Video demonstrates the operation of the AspireAssist

Picture 1 of Weight loss with food suction
Illustration of the AspireAssist. (Photo: Cnet)

Aspire Bariatrics, a US-based company, has launched a pump that is capable of absorbing food from the stomach to help fat people lose weight, Cnet reports. With the AspireAssist, the name of the machine, fat people can eat everything they like, but they will have to implant a tube into the stomach.

Dean Kamen, an inventor of Aspire Bariatrics , said the user would be implanted with a tube into his stomach. A valve will block the output of the tube.

About 20 minutes after meals, the user enters the bathroom, opens the valve on the abdomen and attaches the suction port of the machine to the tube. It will take about 1/3 of the food and then discharged into the toilet.

AspireAssist has appeared in a number of European countries, but the United States has not licensed it to be commercial products because manufacturers are still testing the use of the machine.

"In tests in the United States, the weight of fat people decreased by more than 20kg on average in the first year.Especially, one person completely removed the excess weight, because the design of the machine and the process used is simple. , AspireAssist would be the logical choice of those who can not perform stomach surgery for weight loss, " stated Aspire Bariatrics on their website.