What is the use of walking?

We still do this daily, but do you know what walking does for you?

We still do this daily, but do you know what walking does for you?

The benefits of walking

  • The effect of walking
    • 1. Burn calories
    • 2. Strengthen the health of the heart
    • 3. Hypoglycemia
    • 4. Reduce joint pain
    • 5. Strengthen immune function
    • 6. Enhance energy
    • 7. Improve your mood
    • 8. Increase life expectancy
    • 9. Firming your feet
    • 10. Creative thinking
  • How to "start" walking?

The effect of walking

Walking can bring many health benefits to all ages. This can also help prevent some diseases and even prolong your life. Walking is free and easy to fit into your daily routine. All you need to start walking is a pair of sturdy walking shoes.

1. Burn calories

Walking can help you burn calories, so you can maintain your current weight or lose weight. In fact, burning calories depends on a number of factors, including:

  • Walking speed
  • The distance when walking
  • Terrain (you'll burn more calories walking uphill than on a flat surface)
  • Current weight

Many people wonder if walking will help you lose weight, so obviously, when a large amount of calories is burned, fat loss will be much more. It is important that the calories you consume are less than the calories you burn.

2. Strengthen the health of the heart

Walking for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by up to 19%. And the risk of this disease can be further reduced as you increase the time or distance you walk each day.

3. Hypoglycemia

One small study found that walking 15 minutes three times a day (after breakfast, lunch and dinner) improved blood sugar levels more than walking 45 minutes at another time of the day. So you can apply this, making it a habit to lower blood sugar.

Picture 1 of What is the use of walking?

Walking can help protect your joints, including your knees and hips.

4. Reduce joint pain

Walking can help protect joints, including the knees and hips, as it helps lubricate and strengthen the muscles that support joints. Walking can also benefit people with arthritis, such as pain relief. And walking 5-6 km a week also helps prevent arthritis.

5. Strengthen immune function

Walking strengthens the immune system, reducing the risk of colds or flu. One study followed 1,000 adults during flu season. People who walk at a moderate pace for 30 to 45 minutes a day have 43% fewer sick days and fewer upper respiratory infections. Their symptoms also subside when they are sick. So try to walk every day to experience these wonderful benefits.

6. Enhance energy

Strolling through fatigue is more energy boosting and alertness than a cup of coffee. Walking increases the flow of oxygen through the body. It also helps raise levels of cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine - hormones that help increase energy.

7. Improve your mood

Walking greatly helps your mental health, reduces anxiety, depression and negative mood. Walking also boosts your self-esteem and helps you "detox" social networks quickly. To experience these benefits, set a goal with 30 minutes of brisk walking or other moderate-intensity exercise three days a week. You can also divide it into three 10-minute walk times a day.

8. Increase life expectancy

Walking at a faster pace can prolong your life. The researchers found that walking at an average pace compared to a slow pace reduced the risk of death by 20%. But walking at a brisk pace (at least 4 miles per hour) reduces risk by up to 24%.

9. Firming your feet

Strengthening walking muscles in legs and thighs. To increase leg strength, walk in hilly areas or on an inclined treadmill. Or simply go on the stairs.

10. Creative thinking

Walking clears your mind and makes you think more creatively. A study consists of four experiments, comparing people who try to think of new ideas while they walk or sit. The researchers found that participants did better when walking, especially when walking outdoors. They conclude that walking opens up a free flow of ideas, and this is a simple way to increase creativity.

How to "start" walking?

To start walking, all you need is a pair of sturdy walking shoes. Choose a walking route near your home or find a beautiful place to walk your favorite.

Make walking a daily routine, such as:

  • Get off the bus in front of a stop and walk to work
  • Walk instead of driving when shopping near home
  • Use the staircase instead of the elevator

Using a treadmill is also a good choice, as it helps limit injuries such as tripping on rough roads.

Choose a daily path and goal that suits your age and ability.

  • 12 walking tips for people with knee pain
  • Walking exercise - not completely harmless
Update 11 December 2019



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