What should fasting pimples?

There are many foods that people with acne often need to keep in mind.

Foods that people with boils should avoid

  1. What do people with pimples fast?
    1. 1. Refined grains and sugars
    2. 2. Dairy products
    3. 3. Fast food
    4. 4. Foods rich in Omega-6 fats
    5. 5. Chocolate
    6. 6. Whey protein
    7. 7. Food causes allergy
  2. Choose alternative foods

Pimples are a common skin condition that affects nearly 10% of the world's population. The main factors that cause acne to appear are excess sebum and keratin production, acne-causing bacteria, hormones, clogged pores and inflammation.

Recent studies show that diet also plays an important role in the development of pimples, especially acne.

What do people with pimples fast?

1. Refined grains and sugars

People with pimples tend to consume more refined carbohydrates than others. Foods rich in refined carbohydrates include:

  1. Bread, crackers, cereals or desserts made of white flour
  2. Pasta made with white flour
  3. White rice and rice noodles
  4. Soda and other sugary drinks
  5. Sweeteners such as sugar cane syrup, honey or agave

A recent study showed that people who regularly eat sweets have a 20-30% higher risk of acne. This is explained by the connection between refined carbohydrates, blood sugar and insulin.

When carbohydrates are absorbed into the bloodstream, blood sugar levels rise rapidly. At that time, insulin levels also increase to eliminate sugar from the blood. However, high levels of insulin make the androgen hormone more active, making skin cells grow faster and increase sebum production.

2. Dairy products

Although there is much debate about the relationship between milk, milk products and pimples, it seems that the results are not over. Many studies on this condition have been done, but no scientist is 100% sure that milk increases acne.

However, many people believe that milk increases insulin levels, and just as they absorb more carbohydrates, pimples will get worse.

In particular, cow's milk contains amino acids that stimulate the liver to produce more IGF-1, which increases the development of acne.

3. Fast food

Picture 1 of What should fasting pimples?
Fast food is one of the causes of pimples.

Pimples are thought to be closely related to Western diets, which contain lots of fast food, and are therefore often rich in refined carbohydrates and fats.

A study conducted on 5,000 Chinese teenagers found that a diet high in fast food increased the risk of developing acne by 43%.

The real reason why fast food increases the risk of acne is still unknown, but many researchers believe that they affect gene expression and change hormone levels, which in turn causes pimples. grows more.

4. Foods rich in Omega-6 fats

A diet high in omega-6 fatty acids, including corn, soybean oil, etc., increases the body's inflammation, making boils worse.

Despite this, research is still being done to find out the true cause of omega-6 on acne.

5. Chocolate

Exactly why chocolate increases acne is yet to be found, but one study found that eating chocolate boosts the immune system's response to the bacteria that cause acne, causing acne. get worse.

A more recent study found that men with acne who ate 25 grams of dark chocolate 99% daily increased their acne significantly after 2 weeks.

6. Whey protein

Whey protein is a common dietary supplement. It is rich in amino acids leucine and glutamine, which makes skin cells grow and divide more quickly, contributing to the formation of pimples.

The amino acids in whey protein may also stimulate the body to produce more insulin, which is related to the development of acne.

7. Food causes allergy

Many people believe that boils are an indicator of inflammation. This is because anti-inflammatory drugs, such as corticosteroids, are effective treatments for acne.

Food can cause inflammation in the human body, for example when the immune system misidentifies food as a threat and begins to eliminate it. This leads to inflammatory molecules circulating throughout the body, aggravating acne.

Choose alternative foods

We have learned what fasting pimples are, so what should we eat to replace them? There are some foods that health experts recommend consuming to make your skin healthier and firmer:

  1. Omega-3 fatty acids : Omega-3 has anti-inflammatory properties, and if eaten regularly will help reduce the risk of developing acne.
  2. Probiotics: Probiotics promote a healthy and balanced intestinal tract, while reducing inflammation and reducing the risk of acne.
  3. Green Tea: Green tea contains polyphenols, which help reduce inflammation and reduce sebum secretion. Green tea extract has been recognized by studies to reduce the inflammation of acne.

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Green tea helps reduce the inflammation of acne.

Turmeric : N seats contain an anti-inflammatory substance called polyphenol curcumin. This active ingredient helps regulate blood sugar, improve insulin sensitivity and inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause acne, thus reducing acne.

Vitamins A, D, E and zinc: These nutrients are important for the skin and immune system, and can help prevent pimples if consumed in the right dosage.

Paleolithic-style diet: The paleo diet is rich in lean meat, fruits, vegetables and nuts, along with reduced amounts of grains, milk and legumes. This diet helps to reduce blood sugar and insulin.

Mediterranean diet: The Mediterranean diet consists of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, fish, olive oil, reduced fat in milk and saturated fat. It also reduces the severity of pimples.