The secret to long life is ... fasting

Fasting for some alternate days can help people live longer, healthier lives, US scientists have said.

According to researchers at the American National Institute of Geriatrics, fasting diets can help boost brain health, while helping to lose weight.

The researchers came to this conclusion after conducting the study to give animals a minimum amount of calories, needed to help them survive. As a result, these animals live twice as long as normal.

Picture 1 of The secret to long life is ... fasting
Fasting for a few days can help your body fight cancer.

This mode has been tested in humans, and it works to protect the heart, circulatory system and brain against age-related diseases like Alzheimer's.

A group of mice was fasted during alternating days while the comparison group was fed daily.

The group of mice fasting during alternating days is more sensitive to insulin and produces less of this substance.

High levels of hormones are produced to control sugar levels after meals, and make the brain weaker and make the body more at risk of diabetes.

Previous research has shown that fasting for several days can help the body fight cancer.