What smells of universe?

For a long time, astronauts after their trips often mentioned a special aroma that appeared outside the vast space.

For a long time, astronauts after their trips often mentioned a special aroma that appeared outside the vast space.

They could not smell it while making the flight because the design of the astronaut's outfit made them only smell like plastic. However, when they entered the space station and removed their protective helmets, they immediately noticed a strong, special flow. It clung to clothes, helmets, gloves and other tools.

Supposedly coming from near vacuum, this spicy smell is a combination of three elements: burnt steak, molten metal and smoke. That mixture exists almost everywhere in the universe, stemming from the death of stars.

Picture 1 of What smells of universe?

According to astronauts, the smell of the universe is a combination of burnt steaks, molten metal and welding smoke.(Photo: NASA)

In addition, NASA chemist Steven Pearce, who is also responsible for the spatial reconstruction of the space to help astronauts familiarize themselves before performing his duties, also reveals the metal smell It could also be due to the movement of high energy discharges of ions.

'I have never smelled anything like it before, it gives a very unforgettable impression , ' NASA astronaut Kevin Ford said after the 2009 trip. 'It's hard to describe this smell. . In that mess I only saw it most clearly as a metallic smell. It reminds me of the summer days when I was in college, working long hours with welding flames to repair all kinds of equipment. It is impossible to imagine that the smell of solder smoke that day was like the smell of space , 'added Don Pettit, another astronaut.

Update 17 December 2018



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